Kiseleva I. A., Tikhomirova T. M., Titov V. A., Gasparian M. S. , Kitova O. V. Tourist complex: methods of innovative development, models and information technologies in the decision-making procedures
Kiseleva I. A., Tikhomirova T. M., Titov V. A., Gasparian M. S. , Kitova O. V. Tourist complex: methods of innovative development, models and information technologies in the decision-making procedures
: monograph. – Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2018. – 164 p. ISBN 978-80-7526-340-7 The monograph is devoted to issues related to the analysis and forecasting of the tourism market, methods of modeling tourism activities, forecasting the demand for tourist services. Much attention is paid to the impact of taxation on the effectiveness of investment projects, as well as improving the effectiveness of travel agencies based on innovation management. It is intended for students, post-graduate students, teachers, researchers and all interested in the issues of innovation development of tourism.