
History, languages and cultures of the Slavic peoples: from origins to the future

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Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ»

Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics in Prague

Academia Rerum Civilium – Higher School of Political and Social Sciences

Penza State Technological University

Penza State University


Dear colleagues!

We are pleased to invite you to take part in the VI international scientific conference


«History, languages and cultures of the Slavic peoples: from origins to the future»


The conference will take place on November 25–26, 2017. The form of the conference is non-attending (it is not mentioned in the Conference Proceedings). The Conference Proceedings will be published in the Czech publishing house Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» (Prague). The Conference Proceedings will be registered in e-library.ru. All the participants will receive certificates of attendance.



Sergey N. Volkov, doctor of philosophy, professor, head of philosophy department in Penza State Technological University.

Viktor V. Kondrashin, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Penza State University. 

Miroslav Sapik, PhD, assistant professor, vice-rector of Academia Rerum Civilium – Higher School of Political and Social Sciences..

Eva Kashparova, PhD, research associate at University of Economics in Prague.

Bozhena Ivanovska, doctor of arts in the field of social science in the Institute of philosophy and sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences.

Boris A. Doroshin, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of the philosophy department of Penza State Technological University.




  1. Theoretical-methodological and philosophic basis and research problems of Slavic ethnicity and culture.
  2. Problems of Slavic origin and ancestral homeland in special disciplines and interdisciplinary researches.
  3. The epoch of «the great migration of the Slavs» and division into three subgroups of the Slavs.
  4. Problems of state organization of Slavic nations.
  5. Socio-economic and political development of Slavic countries: common and special.
  6. International relations in Slavic world: historical retrospective and current processes.
  7. Origins of spiritual culture of the Slavs. Genesis of paganism and the expansion of Christianity. Phenomenon of dual faith.
  8. Religion and unreligious culture of Slavic countries in modern and contemporary history.
  9. Ethno-cultural and ethno-confessional relations in Slavic world: intro-social and inter-social aspects.
  10. Languages and linguistic culture of Slavic nations as the reflection of their ethno-cultural consciousness.
  11. Interlinguistic contacts of Slavic and other nations.
  12. Current issues of Slavic folkloristics, ethnography and ethnology.
  13. Literature and art of Slavic nations: dialectics of authentic and imposed, national and universal.
  14. Problems of Slavic minorities, diasporas and immigrant communities.
  15. Sociocultural and axiological basis of Slavic integration.
  16. Teaching Slavonic languages, inclusion to historical-cultural heritage of Slavic nations.
  17. Varia (other topics are accepted as long as they correspond to the main subject of the conference).


The official languages of the conference are Russian, English, Czech, Polish.


Deadline for submitting registration forms and texts for publication  November 20, 2017.


Family name, first name

Title, specialization

Place of employment


Contact address (with postal code)

Mobile phone number


The required number of printed collections


Articles are to be sent in electronic format to e-mail: sociosphere@yandex.ru.  Page format: A4 (210x297mm).  Margins: top, bottom, right – 2cm, left – 3cm. The text should be typed in 14 point font Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced, indented line – 1.25, Normal style. The title is typed in bold capital letters; central alignment. The second line comprises the initials and the family name of the author(s); central alignment. The third line comprises the name of the organization, city, country; central alignment. After one line space comes the abstract in English (3–4 sentences) and a list of key words in English. The text itself is typed after one line space. Graphs, figures, charts are included in the body of the article and count in its total volume. References should be given in square brackets. Bibliography comes after the text as a numbered list, in alphabetical order, one item per number. References should be inserted manually.  Footnotes are not acceptable. The size of the article is 3–15 pages.  The registration form is placed after the text of the article and is not included in its total volume. The name of the file should be given in Russian letters and consists of the conference code and initials and family name of the first author, for example: К-11.25.17-Petrov I.

Materials should be prepared in Microsoft Word, thoroughly proof-read and edited.


The fee for the publication and reseiving the electronic collection and the electronic diploma is 3 $ per 1 page. Printed collection and diploma are paid additionally 12 $. Translation of the summary and key words from Russian into English – 4 $.  

Receipt for payment sent to the author only after the adoption of an article for publication!

The payment confirmation should be scanned and e-mailed, it should be entitled К-11.25.17- Petrov I receipt.

Deadline for the receipt of the payment: November 25, 2017.


Telephone +78412216814 (in Russia),  +420608343967 (in Czech Republic)

Chief manager of the SPC «Sociosphere-CZ» – Ilona G. Doroshina

Our site http://sociosphera.com

Our e-mails: sociosphere@yandex.ru



Sample of an article


Section 16. History of Russia

Culture in Semirechensk in the XIX century


I. I. Ivanov, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor;

V. V. Petrov, postgraduate student

Semirechensk Institute of Economics and Law,

Semirechensk, N-sk region, Russia


Summary. This article observes the periodicals of Semirechensk as written historical sources for its socio-economical history. Complex of publications in these periodicals are systematized depending on the latitude coverage and depth of analysis is described in these problems. 

Keywords: local history; socio-economic history; periodicals. 


Some aspects of the socio-economic development of Semirechensky in XVIII–XIX centuries. got quite extensive coverage in local periodicals. G. V.  Nefedov included some of them in the source base of his research [2, p. 7–8]. …




  1. Богданов К. Ф. Из архивной старины. Материалы для истории местного края // Семиреченские ведомости. – 1911. – № 95.
  2. Нефедов Г. В. Город-крепость Семиреченск. – М. : Издательство «Наука», 1979.
  3. Рубанов А. Л. Очерки по истории Семиреченского края // История г. Семиреченска. URL: http://semirechensk-history.ru/ocherki (дата обращения: 20.04.2011).
  4. Johnson P. Local history in the Russian Empire, the post-reform period. – New York. : H-Studies, 2001. – 230 p.


History, languages and cultures of the Slavic peoples: from origins to the future
History, languages and cultures of the Slavic peoples: from origins to the future

