Culture, civilization, society: paradigms of research and trends in interaction

Title conferences

VII international scientific conference
Culture, civilization, society: paradigms of research and trends in interaction



  • RussiaRussian
  • EnglishEnglish
  • UzbekUzbek.

Date of the event



Applications for participation in the conference and the texts of reports are accepted до 23.04.2023

Payment is accepted until 28.04.2023



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Form of the event

The form of the conference is correspondence (this is not reflected in the collection).

Collections and diplomas

Всем авторам отправляются электронные сборники материалов и дипломы участников бесплатно.

  • Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ»
  • Moscow Institute of Economics
  • International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
  • Branch of the Military Academy of Communications in Krasnodar
  • Penza State University
  • Искусствоведение Art studies
  • История History
  • Культурология Culturology
  • Педагогика Pedagogy
  • Политология Political Science
  • Социология Sociology
  • Technics Technics
  • Философия Philosophy
  • Экономика Economics

Culture, civilization, society: paradigms of research and trends in interaction : materials of the VII international scientific conference on April 28–29, 2023. – Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2023.

  • Zebo Kh. Kasimova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Religion and Pedagogy of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.
  • Nicholay V. Mityukov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, senior researcher of the Moscow Institute of Economics.
  • Viktor V. Kondrashin, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Penza State University.
  • Lyudmila V. Kotenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, senior researcher at the Military Academy of Communications, branch in Krasnodar.
  • Natalia M. Kishlakova, candidate of philosophical sciences, assistant professor (Moscow, Russia).
  • Ilona G. Doroshina, candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor, chief manager of the SPC «Sociosphere».
  • 1. Structural and functional analysis of the concept of culture
  • 2. Prospects of development of culture: approaches and trends.
  • 3. Dialectics of national and universal culture.
  • 4. The main directions of the globalization of culture.
  • 5. Virtualization cultural space: the nature and forms of expression.
  • 6. The essence of civilization: the principles, terms and definitions.
  • 7. Historical, philosophical, sociological interpretation of civilization.
  • 8. Religious determinants of formation and development of civilizations.
  • 9. Features intensification of interaction of Eastern and Western civilizations in the modern world.
  • 10. Important issues of dialogue among cultures and civilizations in the 21st century.
  • 11. The development of forms of spiritual culture as a guarantee of stability of modern society.
  • 12. Specifics of manifestations of continuity in global cultural dynamics.
  • 13. Varia (other topics are accepted as long as they correspond to the main subject of the conference).
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  • Further surnames and initials of the author, academic degree, title, place of work, city, republic, country.
  • After the missing line, an abstract in English (at least 3 sentences) and keywords in English are printed.
  • Text is printed after the missing line. Graphs, figures, tables are inserted as an embedded object and are included in the total volume.
  • Numbers of bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets, and their list is at the end of the text with solid numbering.
  • Sources and literature in the list are listed in alphabetical order, one number corresponds to 1 source.
  • Links are placed manually.
  • Footnotes are not allowed.
  • Article length can be 3-15 pages.
  • The application is located after the text and is not included in the total volume.
  • The name of the file sent by e-mail is written in Russian letters and consists of the conference code and full name. first author.
  • Materials must be prepared in Microsoft Word, carefully checked and edited.
  • Style Design
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    Translate abstract and keywords from Russian into English 200 rubles 200 rubles
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    by registered mail 600 rubles 1500 rubles
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    by registered mail 300 rubles 1000 rubles
    Culture, civilization, society: paradigms of research and trends in interaction
    Culture, civilization, society: paradigms of research and trends in interaction

