The childhood, adolescence and youth in a context of scientific knowledge

Title conferences

XII international scientific conference
The childhood, adolescence and youth in a context of scientific knowledge



  • RussiaRussian
  • EnglishEnglish
  • ArmeniaArmenian
  • UzbekUzbek.

Date of the event



Applications for participation in the conference and the texts of reports are accepted до 20.04.2023

Payment is accepted until 25.04.2023



Take part

Form of the event

The form of the conference is correspondence (this is not reflected in the collection).

Collections and diplomas

Всем авторам отправляются электронные сборники материалов и дипломы участников бесплатно.

  • Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ»
  • Russian-Armenian (Slavic) State University
  • Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
  • Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute
  • История History
  • Медицина Medical studies
  • Педагогика Pedagogy
  • Право Law
  • Психология Psychology
  • Социология Sociology
  • Technics Technics
  • Философия Philosophy
  • Экономика Economics

The childhood, adolescence and youth in a context of scientific knowledge : materials of the XII international scientific conference on April 25–26, 2023. – Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2023.

  • Asya S. Berberyan, doctor of psychological sciences, assistant professor, Head of the psychology department, Russian-Armenian (Slavic) State University.
  • Dilnoz I. Ruzieva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.
  • Sergey V. Sidorov, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute.
  • Ilona G. Doroshina, candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor, chief manager of the SPC «Sociosphere».
  • 1. Personal development in ontogenesis.
  • 2. Life of children and youth in different historical eras.
  • 3. Family as factor of harmonious development of child personality.
  • 4. Education of the younger generation as one of the most important intensions of the system of education.
  • 5. Actual issues of school education.
  • 6. Developing potential of supplementary education for children and teenagers.
  • 7. Problems and achivements of modern preschool education.
  • 8. Psycho-pedagogic issues of professional education.
  • 9. Empirical studies of mental development of children and teenagers.
  • 10. Social interaction in child groups.
  • 11. Official and non-official youth organizations.
  • 12. Correction and preventative measures of deviant behaviour of teenagers.
  • 13. Medical aspects of child development.
  • 14. Organization of occupational guidance work in schools.
  • 15. Social politics of supporting motherhood and childhood.
  • 16. Issues of professional identity.
  • 17. Varia (other topics are accepted as long as they correspond to the main subject of the conference).
Page Format:
А4 (210x297 mm);
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one and a half;
Size (point size):
Times New Roman;
  • Further surnames and initials of the author, academic degree, title, place of work, city, republic, country.
  • After the missing line, an abstract in English (at least 3 sentences) and keywords in English are printed.
  • Text is printed after the missing line. Graphs, figures, tables are inserted as an embedded object and are included in the total volume.
  • Numbers of bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets, and their list is at the end of the text with solid numbering.
  • Sources and literature in the list are listed in alphabetical order, one number corresponds to 1 source.
  • Links are placed manually.
  • Footnotes are not allowed.
  • Article length can be 3-15 pages.
  • The application is located after the text and is not included in the total volume.
  • The name of the file sent by e-mail is written in Russian letters and consists of the conference code and full name. first author.
  • Materials must be prepared in Microsoft Word, carefully checked and edited.
  • Style Design
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    Translate abstract and keywords from Russian into English 200 rubles 200 rubles
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    The childhood, adolescence and youth in a context of scientific knowledge
    The childhood, adolescence and youth in a context of scientific knowledge

