
Sociosphere. – № 3. – 2019

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Kuznetsova N. V. To a question of the application of the six sigm methodology in the organization strategic management 

Prigorovsky S. S. Assessment of investment attractiveness of PJSC MMC «Nоrilsk Nickel» based on the rating indicator 

Yamshchikov S. V., Kravchenko A. L. Evolution of time management theory and practice: anthropological aspect 

Maxyutova A. F. Labor market and demographic processes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan




Sleptcova V. V., Vasilyeva A. A. Anthroponimic systems in Chinese mythology




Efimova S. K., Kirova A. G. The beauty blog lexical characteristics in Japanese internet discourse 




Isupova E. A. The institute of abuse of law: theoretical foundations and legal definition 

Isupova E. A. Content of intellectual property 

Korovin N. K., Bulgakova Y. R. Tactical features of appointment and production of judicial genomic expertise 

Korovin N. K., Nosareva M. V., Amelchenko A. M. Tactical peculiarities of the representation of minor-suspects and witnesses 

Fisun A. V. To the question of legislative consolidation of geographical indication in the civil code of Russia 

Fisun A. V. The development of a system of juvenile courts in Russia: history and modernity 




Astafeva I. S. Gaming technologies in forming the personal component of the methodical competence of future teachers of foreign languages 

Khodjaev B. H. Early manifestation of historical thinking in primary school pupils and its diagnostics 

Chemodanova G. I., Vlassenko S. V., Pavlovskaya N. G. A role of educator environment of educational establishment is in development of personality of teenager

Tseeva L.Kh., Panesh B.Kh., Simbuletova R.K. Formation of professional competence of the future teacher in the field of intercultural

education of preschoolers 

Nguyen Dac Thanh, Nguyen Thi Hoa. Current situation in the level and efficiency of using natural science subject teaching methods by means of experience methods at secondary schools in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam 

Phan Trong Ngo, Nguyen Thu Trang. Current situation and some elements relating to the conservation ability of children 5–6 years old 




Ismanova N. A. An ambivalent approach to the dysfunctionality of the Kyrgyz family in the context of society transformation 



Smirnova A. V. The transition of Russia to a policy of colonization or to whom in Russia to live well? 

Ghazaryan A. The activity of RA diplomatic mission in the solution of some problems connected with the transfer of the military property, delivery of weapons and ammunition from Georgia to Armenia 

Tran Thi Huong, Le Thi Thu Mai, Nguyen Thi Phuong. The development of theories about socialism model in the renovation period of Vietnam 


Rools for authors 

Plan of international conferences held by the universities of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the Czech Republic on the basis of Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» in 2019 

Information about about scientific journals 

Publishing services of the science publishing centre «Sociosphere» – Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ»

Sociosphere. – № 3. – 2019
Sociosphere. – № 3. – 2019

