
Sociosphere. – № 4. – 2014

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From the Editir-in-Chief

Congratulations to SPC «Sociosphere» with the fiith anniversary





Nоsirkhodjaeva G. A. Nоsirkhodjaeva G. A. About philosophical-methodological bases of historical scientifical researches of Beruni researches of Beruni 

Hashimov D. S. The security of political system: contents and the basic principles

Mirzezade R. R., Hashimov D. S. The theoretical approach to the problem of national security

Gudima I. The emotional function of miracle 

Chechelnitskiy A. V. Artistic thinking in a changing paradigm of scientifi c knowledge 

Lysova E. K. «My city of fairy tales» (page creation Elena Deryanova)

Byshova V. S. Person of the newspaper: color design of the edition 




Muminov A. M. Contrastive analysis of metaphorization in different languages

Kezina S. V.  Old slavonic lexics in the novel «Travelling from Petersburg to Moscow» by A. N. Radischevby 

Gadzhieva N. Z.  Language features works by Anton Chekhov

Serdobintseva E. N.  Meaning content of the word «Joy» (the analysis of the meaning the content of the word ‘joy’ in the book «Two lives» by K. Antarova)

Pashkevich O. I.  Two homelands in the creativity of Ivan Laskov

Konovalenko I. Yu. «Rolling pins Kiev frescoes» of Eugenia Kononenko: creative and personal identification of the author of the text within the city works





Каterinina A. A. Features of arbitrary structure, manifested in children of different psychological age

Barinova L. Ya. Features of overcoming of problem situations are in different spheres of vital functionsof vital functions 




Drygina O. A.  Ways of interacting subjects of pedagogical process

Akramova G. R. Theoretical bases development students’ critical thinking

Rahimova Sh. A.  The methods of students’knowledge assessment and control

Miniakhmetov A. A.  The role of data types when training rural students for the userural students for the use 

Bondar E. A.  Adaptive preparedness of foreign students to the studying at the university through the multimedia representation of the materialat the university 

Shabanova I. A., Kovaleva S. V.  Use cases situation on the practical training of the course «Methods of teaching chemistry» 

Redchenko N. N. Interdisciplinary education as a basis of development of the intercultural communicative competence

Chebotareva E. G. Role of «Russian and standard of speech» course in formation of future manager professional competenceof future manager professional competence

Melehin A. I. Psychological competence and its role in the formation and development of the professional high school teacher




Bratolyubova M. V., Pimonov I. S. Coffee house role in public space of Rostov-on-Don

Kulyasov I. P.  Ecological footprint: possible future development in the 21st century 

Tikhanychev O. V., Tikhanycheva E. O. An approach to the simulation of staff refined mathematical interethnic interaction 

Sadikov R. M. Demographic crisis as a threat to social security, territorial entities

Kobets P. N.  The prevention of family troubles as the main element of the prevention of juvenile crime 




Basyrova S. G. National historical science in the second half National historical science in the second half of 1980s – early 1990-s: power, scientists and society

Klipkova A. A. State institutes transformation in postsoviet area

Puertas Savina D. C.  Value as a factor in the formation of electoral choice of students

Niyazova N. M. The concept of sustainable human development as a factor in overcoming the gender imbalance in the system of international relations 

Dushek Ing. J. Cooperation of municipalities as a factor of development  of European regions – history, development, experiences

Rozanova N. N. Indicators of information openness of regional power in the context of the assessment of its reputation

Sharipova D. N.  Level of professionalism as a factor of organizational-economic efficiency improvement of personnel management in customs

Samanov A. A. Features of state regulation small business

Urmanova D. T. Assessment criteria of innovative projects in the innovation system of enterprise managemen

Muratova Sh. N., Alimxodjayev S. R.  Program of economic and environmental development as a factor of economic development of the extraction of mineral resources 

Allaeva G. J., Gaipova M. T.  Prospects of innovative power engineering of Uzbekistan: «Smart» electric networks – smart grid electric networks 




 Belyaeva V. P. Summary of the working training modules «Summary of the working training modules «Political technology»




Danshina G. M. Danshina G. M. Journey to the forest 

 Stepichev P., Khromova J. Language course «English club» curriculum

Vershinina O. N.  The lesson of consolidation: «Writing letters to friends» for class 3 by M. Biboletovafor

Kravchenko M. The lesson of consolidation: «Animals in our life» for class 6 by M. Biboletova




Plan of the international conferences organized by Universities of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Iran, Kazakhstan, Poland, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Czech Republic on the basis of the SPC «Sociosphere» in 2014 

Information about the journals «Sociosphere» and «Paradigmata poznání» 

Information about the journal «Acta Humanitas» 

Information about the journal «Oсвiта та розвиток обдарованної дитити» 

Publishing services of the science publishing centre «Sociosphere» –Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ»  


Sociosphere. – № 4. – 2014
Sociosphere. – № 4. – 2014

