
Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2014

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From the head editor

Theory and Analysis


Sapík M. Horizonty vědeckého poznání 

Yamshchikov S. V. Socio-cultural and psycho-mental understandingof history: the Russian and Western traditions 

Kushaev U. R. Secularism and religious: interpretation of terms and conditions harmoniously 

Afinskaya Z. N. Motive and motivation in the mythology of Roland Barthes 

Andronova T. D. Reflfl ective technology of formation of creative teacher’s potential 

Bryukhova N. G. Moral and psychological culture of the person 

Levchuk D. V. The postmodern project of Rorty: contingencyof selfhood and liberal hope

Fissenko O. S. Consciousness as multidisciplinary cognitive studies 

Argunova M. P. Typology of self-development orientation of middle school pupils 

Dubrovina I. V. Self-education as a method of requirements realizationto a modern teacher’s individuality 

Pilka R. E-learning trainings

Sadovnikov N. E. The problem of the development future specialist’s aksiogrammyand growth of his creative potential

Andronov V. P. Major signs of awakening spirituality of the personality 

Aboimova I. S. Design educaton: innovations of teaching methods in university

Osipova I. S. Professional image of an interpreter 

Yusupova N. J. Some aspects of family relations in islamic law 

Balynin I. V. The oretical and legal aspects of codififi cationof insurance legislation in the Russian Federation 

Velkovska G. Ts. Implementation of European standards in the assessment of constructionproducts in the Republic of Bulgaria – legislative framework


Empirical and applied research


Chepurnaya A. I. Nouns with the meaning of reportive evidentialityfrom the standpoint of marking epistemic responsibility 

Mitiukow N. V. «Fired by main caliber?». The problem of calculation of historical data 

Valiev B. B. Foreign direct investment policy and trendsin Uzbekistan 

Balyaev S. I. Main areas of social and psychological improvementsfor ethnic tolerance erzyas 

Kovaleva N. A., Ionova M. S. Phenomenology youth crisis of people with different valuable orientations 

Kozinskaya O. Yu. Conceptual approaches to development creative potential of studentsof pedagogical specialties Art Institute 

Vasyura S. A., Korobeynikova Y. P. Application of coping strategies by students with different levelsof communicative activity 

Rizaeva M. A. Social problems family and marriage relations in Uzbekistan

Shestakova U. U. , Kazaeva A. V. Psycho-emotional state of the cardiology department patients 

Yaroslavskaya M. A. Role of passive coping strategies in adaptation / disadaptation to diseaseof patients with chronic nonspecififi c lung diseases 


Reviews and comments

Musaev F. The review on the monograph of U. R. Kushaev «Geostrategic interestsand ideological processes» 

Naydenova L. I. The review on the candidate dissertation of Vlasova E. M. «Middle classin the structure of regional community» protected by specialty 22.00.04 –social structure, social institutes and processes 

Naydenova L. I. The reviewon the abstract ofthe candidate dissertation of G. G. Evstifeevaon the topic: «Gender division of household labor in the modern urban family(by the example of Vladimir)» protected in the specialty 22.00.04 –social structure, social institutions and processes 



Academic Life

Abdullaev R. V. Secularism and religious: interpretation of termsand conditions harmoniously

Plan of the international conferences organized by Universities of Russia,Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Iran, Kazakhstan, Poland,Uzbekistan, Ukraine and the Czech Republic on the basisof the SPC «Sociosphere» in 2014 

Information about the journals «Sociosphere» and «Paradigmata poznání» 

Information about the journal«Acta Humanitas» 

Publishing services of the science publishing centre «Sociosphere» –Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» 

Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2014
Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2014

