
Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2017

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From the Editor-in-Chief [download pdf]


Theory and analysis



Akimova M. A. Problematizing the idea of "self-identity of personality" (to the problem of human identity) [download pdf]

Kushaev U. R. The forms of expression and levels of tolerance [download pdf]

Tikhanychev O. V. The phenomenon of "biased assessments" in the analysis of social processes [download pdf]




Shakirova Sh. Y. Studying the scientific heritage of Babadjan Sanoi [download pdf]


Empirical and applied research



Shkolnikova M. N., Averianova E. V. Stimulation of fruit and berry raw products extraction process  [download pdf]




Hasanov E. L. Historical-cultural aspects of investigation of evaluation of teaching efficacy perception [download pdf]

Ibragimova N. K. Diplomatic relations in early Islamic period [download pdf]




Alasgarova F. Understanding of tourism transportation and its Azerbaijan model [download pdf]

Paladova T. A., Maltseva E. S. The prospects of improving the financial literacy of the population in modern Russia [download pdf]

Bulakh T. D. Features of advertising communication in the industry [download pdf]

Tregulova N. G. Development of material incentive schemes of the personnel man-agement system [download pdf]




Grudeva E. National peculiarities in perception of the seasons in the Russian and English languages (on psycholinguistic experiment data) [download pdf]

Mustafaeva S. T. Lexical representation of concept “language” in Chinese [download pdf]

Saydazimova U. T., Suvonova U. F. Originality expression of the universal value categories “good and evil”, “love and faith” in Korean prose of XVII–XVIII centuries [download pdf]

Tunnikova V. A., Babchenkova D. R. To the problem of business correspondence in English in modern international business [download pdf]




Galaktionova N. V. Legal and tax aspects of non-pecuniary damage [download pdf]




Lobanova E. I., Gerasimenko T. L. Educational practice activities in teaching foreign languages with the IT support [download pdf]

Ovsyannikova О. АSocial adaptation of teenagers with deviant behavior through art [download pdf]

Karelina I. O. The peculiarities of awareness of their own emotions by senior preschoolers [download pdf]

Kovalenko V. I., Buravtsova N. V., Shpecht M. V. Research of educational motivation and motivation of success and fear of failure of students-psychologists [download pdf]




Volkova E. V., Utkin Y.A., Admaeva S. V., Ampleev A. K. Psychiatrist-narcologists – risk group on tobacco addiction among doctors therapeutic specialties [download pdf]

Lozovaya K. V., Demyanchuk S. V., Lozovaya G. F., Mironenkova Zh. V. Development cybernetic approach for medicine maintenance of patients with coronary heart disease [download pdf]




Kabashova E. V. Inequality in wages: the statistical aspect [download pdf]


Reviews and comments


Malysheva N. V. Review of the monograph «Come back to your roots: essays by local historian Ivan Ivanovich Klokhtunov»  [download pdf]


Academic life


Golovneva E. V., Damineva A. I. The analysis of the III All-Russian youth scientific and practical conference «Problems and development prospects of humanities and education in the XXI century» 15 November 2016 [download pdf]

Shevtsova Yu. The usage of foreign LIS journals by Ukrainian LIS specialists and scientists [download pdf]


Rules for authors

Plan of the international conferences organized by Universities of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Czech Republic on the basis of the SPC «Sociosphere» in 2017 

Information about scientific journals 

Publishing services of the science publishing centre «Sociosphere» – Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» 

Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2017
Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2017

