
Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2018

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Theory and analysis




Smiesova V. L. Methodological aspects of the research of economic interests  [скачать pdf]





Barabanova V. B. Physicality as an object of research in theory of physical culture and sport   [скачать pdf]




Khangeldieva I. G. Modern challenges to education   [скачать pdf]




Yamshchikov S. V., Vanchugina E. A. Polyparadigmal comprehension of Internet advertising as a social phenomenon   [скачать pdf]

Yamshchikov S. V., Gladtsyna V. I. The theory of generations as a methodological basis of formation of staff motivation system   [скачать pdf]


Empirical and applied research




Kozlov N. D., Benda V. N. D. Eisenhower: "...the Russian holds the palm of victory in forcing the Nazis to surrender". Evaluation of the victories of soviet troops in 1944–1945 by allies and enemy   [скачать pdf]

Chernukha V. V., Tymoshenko G. А. Domostroy – a monument to the culture of the XV–XVI century in the Moscow state   [скачать pdf]




Akhmetyanova A. I. Analysis and forecasting of milk production in the district   [скачать pdf]

Zinnatullina L. R. Self-management as a tool for students self-realization   [скачать pdf]




Amirova A. A. The Identity of the landscape genre in the creativity of National Artist Altay Sadigzade    [скачать pdf]

Zeynalova G. Z. The Image of Mother in Paintings by People’s Artist Mais Agabeyov   [скачать pdf]

Islamova K. E. The origin of the traditions of design of Azerbaijan State Russian Samed Vurgun Drama Theatre  [скачать pdf]

Islamova S. A. Artistic features of landscape painting in creative work of people’s artist Nazim Beykishiyev   [скачать pdf]

Karimov I. M. Technological characteristics of manufacturing of ceramic items in the period of regained independece   [скачать pdf]

Mehdiyev I. Y. Lyrics in the sculptor Hayat Abdullayeva   [скачать pdf]

Yadigarova L. O. The mosaics of “underworld”   [скачать pdf]



Academic life


Rules for authors 

Plan of the international conferences organized by Universities of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Czech Republic on the basis of the SPC «Sociosphere» in 2018 

Information about scientific journals 

Publishing services of the science publishing centre «Sociosphere» – Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» 

Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2018
Paradigmata poznání. - № 1. - 2018

