Paradigmata poznání. - № 2 - 2023

Title journal

Science journal
Paradigmata poznání
ISSN 2336-2642 MK ČR E 22424



  • CzechCzech
  • RussiaRussian
  • EnglishEnglish


4 issues per year (February, May, August, November)


  • Articles are accepted:
  • № 1 until January 20
  • № 2 until April 20
  • № 3 until July 20
  • № 4 until October 20



Take part


Всем авторам отправляются электронные журналы и сертификаты о публикации бесплатно.


  • Impact factor in Global Impact Factor (2019) – 0,966
  • The science publishing center «Sociosphere-CZ» (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Academia Rerum Civilium – University of Political and Social Science (Kutna Hora, Czech Republic)
  • Геология Geology
  • Информатика Computer studies
  • География Geography
  • Искусствоведение Art studies
  • История History
  • Культурология Culturology
  • Медицина Medical studies
  • Педагогика Pedagogy
  • Политология Political Science
  • Право Law
  • Психология Psychology
  • Религиоведение Religious studies
  • Социология Sociology
  • Technics Technics
  • Филология Philology
  • Философия Philosophy
  • Экология Ecology
  • Экономика Economics
  •  Electronic Research Library (Russaia),
  •  Research Bible (China),
  •  Scientific Indexing Services (USA),
  •  Cite Factor (Canada),
  •  General Impact Factor (India),
  •  Scientific Journal Impact Factor (India).
  • Editor-in-Chief – Ilona G. Doroshina,
  • candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor
  • International editorial board
  • Miroslav Banasik, Ph.D. (Humanities – Warsaw, Poland),
  • Victor Boicov, DrSc., professor (Information Systems – Riga, Latvia),
  • Velkovska Gena Tsvetkova, PhDr. (Economics – Sofia, Bulgaria),
  • Aleksandr N. Vernigora, candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor (Penza, Russia),
  • Bozhena Ivanovska, Ph.D. (Sociology – Warsaw, Poland),
  • Vanda Hajkova, DrPaed., associate professor (Education – Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Zebo Kasimova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor (Tashkent, Uzbekistan),
  • Eva Kashparova, Ph.D. (Sociology – Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Nursafa G. Khayrullina, doctor of sociological sciences, professor (Tyumen, Russia),
  • Lenka Krejcova, Ph.D. (Psychology – Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Umidjon R. Kushaev, (DSc) doctor of philosophy (Tashkent, Uzbekistan),
  • Andrey V. Korotaev, doctor of history, professor (Moscow, Russia),
  • Marianne Kamp, Ph.D, associate professor (History – Wyoming, USA),
  • Nikolay V. Mityukov, doctor of technical sciences, professor (Izhevsk, Russia),
  • prof. D. I. Ruziyeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
  • Miroslav Sapik, Ph.D. associate professor (Philosophy – České Budějovice, Czech Republic),
  • Tomash Sigmund, Ph.D. (Philosophy – Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Vladimir Srb, Ph.D. (Political Sciences – Colin, Czech Republic),
  • Mariya Szuppe, Ph.D. (History – Ivry-sur-Seine, France),
  • Svetlana Shumakova, PhD in Arts (Kharkov, Ukraine),
  • Judita Tancoshova, Ph.D, professor (Economics – Bratislava, Slovakia),
  • Peter Zamarovsky, RNDr. (Nature Sciences – Prague, Czech Republic).
Page Format:
А4 (210x297 mm);
top, bottom and right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm;
one and a half;
Size (point size):
Times New Roman;
  • Materials are submitted in electronic form to e-mail:
  • Each article must have a UDC.
  • The name is printed in capital letters, bold, center alignment.
  • The initials and surname of the author(s), academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID are printed on the second line.
  • On the third line - the full name of the organization, city, country. After the missing line, the name in English is printed.
  • On the next line, the names of the authors, academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID in English.
  • Further the name of the organization, city and country in English. In articles in English, it is not necessary to duplicate the title, author and place of work of the author in another language.
  • The missing line is followed by an abstract in English (600–800 characters) and keywords (5–10) in English.
  • After the missing line, the text of the article is printed.
  • Graphs, figures, tables are inserted as an embedded object should be included in the total volume of abstracts.
  • The numbers of bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets, and their list is at the end of the text with solid numbering.
  • Sources and literature in the list are listed in alphabetical order, one number corresponds to 1 source.
  • Links are placed manually.
  • Footnotes are allowed if necessary. They should be in the same font as the body text.
  • The volume of the article can be 6-25 pages.
  • Information about the author is located after the text of the article and is not taken into account when calculating the volume of the publication.
  • Materials must be prepared in a Microsoft Word, carefully calibrated and edited.
Design example
Publication cost For Russian authors For foreign authors
For 1 full (incomplete) page is 250 rubles 250 rubles
Translate abstract and keywords from Russian into English 200 rubles 200 rubles
Electronic version of the journal free free
Electronic version of the certificate free free
Print Journal mailing by simple letter 600 rubles 1600 rubles
by registered mail 700 rubles 1800 rubles
Printed Diploma when ordering a journal 200 rubles 200 rubles
no log order by simple letter 200 rubles 800 rubles
by registered letter 300 rubles 1000 rubles
Paradigmata poznání. - № 2 - 2023
Paradigmata poznání. - № 2 - 2023

