
Paradigmata poznání. - № 3. - 2015

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Philosophical sciences

Beresneva N. I., Beresnev V. D. Subjectivism in artistic consciousness

Makukhin P. GTo the question of finding the common Slavic roots of ‘Russian cosmism’: an invitation to a dialogue

Yaduta L. I. Meta-archeology


Psychological science


Kononenko O. IThe analogs perfectionism of the person as global personal constructs




Chemical sciences


Koldaev V. M. The absorption spectrums of ethanol extracts from green leafs


Biological science


Hanaba D.V. Influence of environmental factors on the growth of plants in urban agglomerations




Chernogor I. A. The analysis of the anti-crisis plan of development of Russia for 2015


Philosophical sciences


Кuzmina G. P. The information language as the mean of communication in worldwide WEB


Philological sciences


Polishuk S. S. Grain legume crops in the Podillian dialects of the middle bug area

Vershinina T. S., Kocheva O. L. Impact of urban discourse landscape on the social well-being of the urban residents

Korepina N. A. Properly emphatic «(one)self»

Omonov K. Sh. Types of business documents in the history of old-Turkish literature language


Geographical sciences


Sukhova M. G., Zhuravleva O. V., Baranov A. Y., Nikolchenko Y. N. Noise pollution and mitigation measures in the Gorno-Altaisk


Juridical sciences


Bryzhinskaya G. V., Galigina T. U. Negotiation is effective way to resolve disputes

Khudoikina T. V.,  Kolesnikova M. A. Institution of mediation in Russia and the problems of its implementation

Khudoikina T. V., Kochnev A. S. Settlement for resolution of legal conflicts


Pedagogical sciences


Mussabayeva B. Kh., Mussabayeva M. O. Reformation of the higher educational system of Kazakhstan

Shemaev S. A. Trends of convergence educational training programs for libraries, museums and archives

Tabueva I. N. Problem-solving teaching as one of the active methods of foreign language teaching in not language high institution

Pankratova L. E. «Deprived childhood»: new trends in educational practice

Sterkhov A. A. Factor of estimation student in the conditions of introduction FSES


Medical sciences 


Volkova E. V., Ampleev A. K., Utkin Y. A., Admaeva S. V. Features tobacco smoking in psychiatrist-narcologist in Penza


Psychological science


Annenkova N. V. Dynamics of formation of the students' personal social responsibility

Kamneva E. V. Relationship coping mechanisms and personality traits of students


Social sciences


Shabunova A. A., Kalachikova O. N., Korolenko A. V. Life expectancy in Russia as an indicator of the public health




План международных конференций, проводимых вузами России, Азербайджана, Армении, Болгарии, Белоруссии, Казахстана, Узбекистана и Чехии на базе Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» в 2015 году

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vatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» 

Paradigmata poznání. - № 3. - 2015
Paradigmata poznání. - № 3. - 2015

