Humanization of education and upbringing in the education system:  theory and practice

Humanization of education and upbringing in the education system: theory and practice

XI international scientific conference

EnglishEnglish, RussiaRussian, ArmeniaArmenian.
Materials are receiving
Pedagogy Psychology Philosophy

1. Conceptual and methodological basis of humanistic perception of personality.

2. The principle of humanism as an important factor in strengthening the capacity and self-realization.

3. Humanization of education in the process of continuous professional education.

4. Formation of professional competences as means of realization the principles of humanistic education.

5. Ethno-pedagogical and ethno-psychological problems of education in the context of humanization.

6. The value of gender factor for forming culture of interaction between subjects of educational activities.

7. Humanization as main strategy of preservation and consolidation of subject professional health of educational activities.

8. Humanization and personal-developmental technologies of forming mechanism of self-organization and self-realization in the system of education.

9. Basic national values as the base of integrated space of spiritual and moral development and education of pupils and youth.

10. Problem of integration the programs of spiritual and moral education in the system of modern education.

11. The value of the humanities in the moral and patriotic education of the younger generation.

12. Varia (other topics are accepted as long as they correspond to the main subject of the conference).

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