Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Socio-economic aspects of employment labor resources in agriculture

Socio-economic aspects of employment labor resources in agriculture

G. Z. Sitdikova Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Bashkir State Agrarian University,

Ufa, Russia


The main source of economic growth and social progress is the human potential, which provides for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills, the availability of health requirements for the production of material and spiritual goods, providing self-development and self-realization of each person.

The main objectives of social policy of the Republic are: to ensure a high level of welfare and social consumption of population, the required quality of services in education and health; creating conditions for equal access of all citizens to basic social services; achieving a high level of personal human security; improving the security of property rights, ensuring the rights of citizens in respect of employment, decent wages.

Effective regulation of the labour market is one of the main directions of implementation of the employment policy. At the present time in connection with the downsizing of the labor force and the shortage of skilled labor this issue is becoming increasingly relevant. Therefore, the main objectives in the field of labour market policy are: strengthening the relationship between labour market and educational services market, the introduction of professional standards development of guidance, organization of information campaigns about the prestige of working professions, promotion of graduates of educational institutions to the development of working professions; improving integration into the labour market activities for unemployed citizens who are less competitive on the labour market and difficulties in employment (women with small children, persons with limited work capacity);

Highly efficient agricultural sector is the basis of social welfare. Of labor resources and the extent of their use depends largely on production efficiency in the agricultural complex, and the basis for the formation of the labour force is the population of the region. The formation of labour resources in agriculture is a reflection of the economic processes taking place in this area.

So, if before the 90-ies of the main producers of products in agriculture was a major agricultural enterprises, which accounted for two thirds of production, that is currently (as of 2016), the share is slightly more than 37 % [7].

In 2016 the agriculture of the Republic was occupied by 222,2 thousand, or 12.6 % of total employment in the economy. Over the past five years, there has been a decrease in the number of employed population in agriculture to 57,5 thousand people. Factors affecting the decline of employment in agriculture began to decline in productive capacity, the violation of inter-industry and intra-industry commodity-money relations, the displacement of domestic producers from the domestic food market, the bankruptcy of a large part of the agricultural organizations.

So, from 2011 to 2016 population aged 55–59 years increased by 19.6 %; 30–34 years – 13.9 %; children aged 0–5 years increased by 13.3 %; the population aged 60 years and older increased by 11.9 %; children and adolescents aged 6–15 years increased by 5.8 %; population aged 35–39 and 25–29 increased by 4.5 %.

But, in our opinion age is not a criterion which deteriorate qualitative characteristics of personnel structure of agricultural production of the Republic, but the age of the employees significantly affects the ability to perceive new things, adapt to changes in the external environment.

For example, between 2011 and 2015, the proportion of heads of organizations of the agricultural complex of the Republic to 30 years increased from 2.4 % to 3.2 %; the share of those older than working age has increased from 6.6 % to 13.2 %. The proportion of managers aged 30 years to 55 (60) years of age decreased from of 90.9 to 83.6 per cent. The proportion of home specialists up to 30 years decreased from 10.4 % to 9.3 %; the share of chief specialists in older than working age has increased from 6.5 % to 10.2 % . The specific weight of the main specialists at the age from 30 years to 55 (60) years of age decreased from 83.2 to 80.4 %.

Young professionals have a greater ability to make operational decisions, the development of new technology, however, experience is also important. With age, accumulates professional skills, which is necessary for young professionals [3].

The health of the nation is a necessary condition for sustainable development of the agroindustrial complex of the region. Analysis of the state of health of the population demonstrates the need for implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of health and social care, the health care system. In terms of life expectancy in 2015 among the subjects of the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan is a 55 place among the republics and regions of the Volga Federal district – 11 place: urban population – 71,06 years, rural – 68,36 years [6].

The life expectancy of the population in the Republic of Bashkortostan by 2020 should be increased to 75.3 years by the prevention of diseases, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health of each person [1].


1.The state program "Development of health of the Republic of Bashkortostan" dated 30.04. 2013 № 183 (as amended by the Decree of the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan from 31.12.2015 No. 682) / [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://docs.cntd.ru/.

2.Resolution of the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan of September 30, 2009 N 370 "Strategy for socio-economic development of Bashkortostan Republic till 2020" / [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.pravitelstvorb.ru/.

3.Kadyrov, E. M. Labor resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan / [Electronic resource]. Russian economic journal, № 3 (September) 28.09.2016, available at: http: // journal.bsau.ru/.

4.The life expectancy of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan / [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http: // bashstat. gks. EN/.

5. Guajava A. S. Basic aspects of steady development of regional economy [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http: //otherreferats.allbest.ru/.

6.Analysis of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus / / [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://minecon.bashkortostan.ru/.

7.On approval of the concept of human resources management of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period till 2025 / [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://docs.cntd.ru/

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