Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Philosophy of culture on human health

III международная научно-практическая конференция
Здоровье человека как проблема медицинских и гуманитарных наук

Philosophy of culture on human health

O. B. Vorobyevа, Candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor;

 Samara state University of railway engineering,

 Samara, Russia


Preservation of own health is purposeful activity of each person as it acts as a necessary condition of life. Health on the scale of cultural values has always occupied a special place, so the study of the phenomenon of health is of great interest to the philosophy of culture.

In favor of the priority of health as the Central value of culture are cultural monuments of the Ancient East. The plates of Mesopotamia of the 2nd Millennium BC say that the highest values are health and longevity, the second most important are the heirs, and only the third placed wealth. The ancient Chinese proverb confirms this idea: «Health is the first wealth».

 The earliest definition of health, according to scientists, the definition of Alcmeon: «Health is the harmony of opposing forces» [1, p. 3]. Cicero defined health as the correct ratio of various mental States. Stoics and Epicureans valued health above all, opposing the desire for everything immeasurable and dangerous. The Epicureans said that the health is full satisfaction, subject to the full satisfaction of all needs.

The diversity of views on the essence of this concept, present today in science, due to the fact that health - a very complex concept that is difficult to define briefly and unambiguously. That is why there is currently no generally accepted interpretation of the concept of «health».

Most modern scientists define the concept of health as a person's ability to the optimal physiological, psychological and social functioning. There are definitions that emphasize the role of human consciousness, energy indicators of strength and endurance, parameters of the information flow. According to experts from the world health organization (who), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well - being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

In the philosophy of culture the definition of the notion "health": naturalistic (I. I. Brekhman, V. M. Amosov), social (K. Lacour), anthropological (A. ivanyushkin). All of them are somehow connected with the thesis that a person creates his or her own health, and success in this "creation" depends on the level of assimilation of cultural values created by mankind. The person who has absorbed the best achievements of world culture, is able to choose the main path to the preservation of health, which in modern times is determined by the concept of «healthy lifestyle».

Human health is associated with almost all areas of its activities. Changes in any of them affect the psychosomatic level of health. Health-a harmony of biological and social qualities of man, allowing him to lead an active social and economic life. It causes a high potential of physical, mental and mental capacity of a person and serves as a guarantee of his full life.

The need for health is not only of a personal nature. Society as a whole needs it. The health of the population has a huge impact on the dynamics of economic development of the society, acts as an indicator of its socio-ethical maturity, the level of care of the state about its citizens. Improving the quality of medicine, its availability, increasing the number of sports facilities, recreational facilities and so on – are indicators of reliability, well-being, economic stability of the state.

Culture throughout the history of mankind has offered a variety of methods to preserve health. Practiced for centuries system of the organization of the home, the rhythm of life, sleep, meals provided to people with physical comforts, which were, in turn, an important condition of mental and physical well-being. Techniques that will ensure spiritual health, expressed in all of the world's philosophical systems. Methods of light and color therapy (Paracelsus, Avicenna) developed in ancient cultures have great recognition and integration into modern medicine. There is a model of maintenance of psychosomatic state of the person and in esoteric culture, however, «popular today psychophysiological directions which any more aren't perceived by the population as esoteric, and pass into the category of improving programs» [2, p. 116]. So, the ascetic practices of the East, "are in the spiritual process elements of the «high class»: the frequency and depth of breathing, position of the body, the prayer text...» [2, p. 117].

Modern culture as strategies for the preservation of health offers a variety of autogenic training which are based on a synthesis of psychological science and traditional knowledge.


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