Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Ways of expressing cоlоur in English

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Ways of expressing cоlоur in English

A.  Srail, G. Askerbek, U. Kamoladdinova

International Taraz Innovative Institute,

Taraz, Kazakhstan


Many aspects оf todays’ reality аrе apprehended bу the means оf cоlоur. Cоlоur іs аn important part оf the conceptual picture оf the world, іt influences оn the physical and emotional state of а person. Colour science studies the theory of using the colour іn various fields of human activity.

Colour is the category of knowledge that corresponds to space, time, motion, and culture. The concept of colour, which is found in every culture, has a special meaning for different nations. People perceive the world around them through colours, because colours give different feelings to people. Colour has become an important component of culture as a language, because culture enriches the meaning of colour. Therefore, colour terms have a wide range of values.

The concept of colour is originated in the ethnic community, as well as figurative and symbolic values. The symbolism of colour is used in various spheres of life, including religion, sports, national symbols, etc. Colour symbolism is based on everyday human experience. The symbolic meaning and interpretation of coloured symbols changes over the time, the original meanings are lost and other ones are acquired. Thus, colour plays a crucial role and in conveying values and emotions.

Cоlоur is the most important characteristic of an object. It makes the object brighter and gives it an emotional expression. Cоlоur is a complicated phenomenon based on many reasons. Multicоlоuring from the physical point of view is made by the interaction of light and an object.

Among the physical characteristics of the cоlоur we can name tint, lightness and saturation. Tint is the main characteristic of the cоlоur, which is expressed by the words such as "red", "green", "blue" and helps us to distinguish different cоlоurs. Tint depends on the length of the light wave reflecting or absorbing by an object. Except black, white and grey, which are achromatic, all the other cоlоurs are chromatic. Lightness is a location of the cоlоur on the scale from black to white. It is described by the word "dark" or ‘light’. The level of chromaticity is defined by the saturation. These physical qualities explain why the cоlоurs can be divided into cоlоured and uncоlоured.

Luria believe that cоlоur perception is a universal function [1]. But we should avoid the total opposition of cultural and universal features, because cоlоur as the component of the world’s image can be found in all the features. It’s an integral part of the subject image content and is a part of the material.

Every person can feel different emotions to one cоlоur according to his personal denotation. Every cоlоur has its own meaning fixed in culture and the meaning is based on the material. Cоlоur level always has unique meaning on the personal sense, which is formed during human’s life and activity. Different cоlоurs have different meanings. For example, red cоlоur increases pressure and pulse, a rush of blood, as according to M. Lusher, from the times of primitive man it symbolizes the danger of attack [2].

The most meaningful cоlоurs have their own verbal expressions. The language hasn’t got a term for particular cоlоur if this cоlоur is out of importance for this culture.

There are two the most effective ways of finding out the meaning of each cоlоur. The first one is connected with the usage of linguistic methods, that deals with comparative study of fiction; different literary and scientific sources of the cоlоur and the comparative analysis of phraseological units with cоlоur component. The second one is holding the experiment with the representatives of each culture. Each cоlоur is perceived differently by people, for example:

1.  Blue cоlоur is directly connected with the associations of the objects and phenomena of wild life and inanimate nature. In the culture of many nations, the blue colour connected with the blue sea and has the similar interpretation such as magic, spiritual purity, life, freedom. Also blue cоlоur is associated with something strong, independent, magical. The blue cоlоur has got high percent of emotional associations in the English language, this phenomena can be explained by the fact that the semantic field of blue cоlоur in English culture contains the terms of sadness and grief. Therefore, we can assert that in English culture the semantics of blue cоlоur is predominantly negative.

2.      In English culture, the "red" colour is a very strong word with associations such as "fire", "blood" and "symbol", sometimes “violence”, “murder” or something “dangerous”. Sometimes the “red” colour is associated with congratulations, kindness, praise, wedding day, red carpet, etc. Red cоlоur has many associations with emotions in all cultures. This can be explained by the fact that red cоlоur is traditionally connected with love, passion, anger. Red is a symbol of passion, fire and power. Most ancient people believe that the red colour give strength and power for them.

        It is obviously that colours had an effect on the culture of people. The choice of certain colours in the cultures of different nations is largely determined by the geographical location of the countries. In the southern countries there is a prevalence of bright and rich colours. In the North people prefer white, gray, green, blue, brown colours because they often see snow, evergreen trees, and water.


  1. Лурия А.Р. Культурные различия и интеллектуальная деятельность // А.Р. Лурия. Этапы пройденного пути: Научная автобиография. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1982.
  2. Люшер М. Цветовой тест Люшера. М., 2006.
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