Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Psychological aspect of aggressive advertising

XI международная научно-практическая конференция
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Psychological aspect of aggressive advertising

E. A. Vlasishena, manager

cafe "Golden sushi", Korolyov, Moscow region, Russia

E. V. Zvonova Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow, Russia


At present, aggressive advertising has become a fairly common phenomenon, but this makes it no less effective for the masses. The main goals of this type of activity can be considered as deriving the greatest benefit and attracting the attention of the target audience.

This type of advertising implies two different directions. In the first case, it means flaunting and promoting any obscene actions, sex and violent scenes, as well as aggressive behavior through visual demonstration or appropriate phrases and expressions. In another variant, the so-called persistent or intrusive advertising acts as an aggressive advertisement. Often this type involves convincing a potential buyer that he is in danger of some kind of danger or problem if he does not purchase the specified product. Aggressive advertising includes obsessive offers to buy pies from street vendors.

The laws of different countries regulate to one degree or another the activities of the respective agencies and censor some versions of materials. Advertising, which equates to aggressive, finds itself somewhere on the very border of these prohibitions. In addition, consumers usually do not like being forced upon a product, but recognize the usefulness of the information. Therefore, the seller should always look for the line between aggression and meeting the real or perceived needs of the target audience.

The characteristics of the aggressiveness of a video or advertising campaign are largely determined by the very potential customers to whom it was directed. An overly intrusive presentation of material can contribute to the fact that the consumer equates to this kind of demonstration of even a completely high-quality and good product. People always react negatively to their recognized attempts to manipulate opinions from the outside, distortion of their own value attitudes and banal deception. For this reason, one of the key problems of aggressive advertising is considered to be a large proportion of the likelihood that the target audience will not understand the message properly. As a rule, the number of people to whom sellers expect to sell their goods using the described means are those who do not have a ready-made model of behavior. It is most difficult to adequately respond to such advertising for the so-called more gullible strata of the population - the elderly, children and adolescents. Increasingly, society is forcing legislators to pay closer attention to such activities of creative departments and their products [12].

Aggressive advertising makes a person think about his own troubles, for example, about physical disabilities and ailments, the approach of old age and sexual inferiority. Advertising in this case is positioned as follows: without the specified product, the consumer allegedly dooms himself and his loved ones to pain and suffering. Marketers deprive a person of a sense of comfort, put pressure on the psyche, which can even cause certain depressive states. The impact of aggressive types of advertising in this niche leads to the fact that people often begin to believe in the infallibility of advice from TV screens, and then tell their doctors about how to treat them “correctly” and what drugs should be prescribed for a speedy recovery. Statistics say that at least 20% of patients are trying to force doctors to prescribe them exactly those pills that are widely covered in the media. Of course, it's not hard to guess that the largest advertising campaigns are centered around the most expensive funds, on the promotion of which pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars. Patients tend to trust everything that is reported in the media and presented as the most effective drugs.

Manipulation as a type of psychological influence is an impulse hidden from the addressee to experience certain states, change his attitude to something, make decisions and perform actions necessary to achieve the goals of the initiator. At the same time, it is important for the manipulator that the addressee considers these thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions to be his own, and not imposed from the outside, and recognizes himself as responsible for them [2].

The concept of "manipulation" is often accompanied by the concept of "Machiavellianism" (associated with the name of the Italian thinker Niccolo Machiavelli) – a personality trait that contributes to successful manipulation. Currently, the concept of "Machiavellianism" is often used in various humanities [8].

Manipulation is a type of psychological influence, skillful the execution of which leads to the open arousal of another person's intentions that do not coincide with his actually existing desires, but coincide with the tasks that the manipulating person had.

Manipulation as a type of psychological influence helps to achieve the set goal. However, inadequate and illiterate use of methods of influence can lead to undesirable consequences – depersonalization of the individual – the object of influence, the erasure of his individual psychological characteristics or even destruction both mentally and physically.

The main components of manipulative influence are: purposeful distortion (transformation, concealment) of information – manipulation itself; an object of manipulative influence, which can be either one person or a group of people; and of course the manipulator himself, which can also be represented by one person or a group of people.

The activity of modern advertisers does not exclude, but in many respects encourages the use of manipulations as a form of psychological influence.

Manipulation is a psychological effect that leads to the actualization of certain motivations in the addressee, prompting him to behave, desirable for the manipulator.

Thus, the following conclusion can be drawn:

1. Psychological impact – the impact on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people, going bypassing consciousness, logic and reason.

2. The problem of psychological influences in advertising is closely related to the problem of choice. Businessmen and advertisers choose ways of organizing advertising campaigns, for example, with the use of special technologies of influence or without them, and consumers face this problem when they are exposed to such influences or, conversely, find the need to make their own decisions.

3. Manipulation as a type of psychological influence - hidden from the addressee, his inducement to experience certain states, change his attitude to something, make decisions and perform actions necessary to achieve the goals of the initiator.

Aggressive methods involve many different tricks, including hidden or explicit psychological impact on the consumer due to the fact that they are shown at certain hours in the intervals between any programs or films. Often this form is given to those products that are associated with upcoming or already ongoing mass events and activities. There is also a significant impact when a product is advertised by a popular person in certain circles, be it fictional or real.


1. Borisovskiy Y. Dignity raised to the absolute // Advertising Industry. - 2014. - No. 11 - P. 61. [In Rus]

2. Kotler F. Marketing management. SPb .: Peter, 2003. [In Rus]

3. Manuilov MA Psychology of advertising. - M .: GTI, 2013. [In Rus]

4. Shcherbakova E.V., Belugina D.M., Zvonova E.V. On the question of the effectiveness of narrative advertising in popular science publications // University Bulletin. - 2020. - No. 8. - S. 200-206. [In Rus]

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