M. J. Nurtulashev Senior teacher,
e-mail: mansurglobal2442@mail.ru,
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The process of globalization with its sophisticated nature is an important phenomenon of our time, which leads to forming a new way of people’s thoughts.
According to the world researches, it is obvious that globalization is a complex non-linear process of self-organization in accordance with its essence and development strategy.
From the point of scientific study nonlinear scientific knowledge and futurological concepts are becoming increasingly important in terms of current global changes.
However, radical changes in the meaning and content of global processes open up new large-scale problems for modern science. These issues play a key role in determining the complex nature of globalization. Naturally, definitely this condition poses the urgent task of expanding research in this area and exploring new scientific criteria for globalization that has not had specific parameters yet.
At the same time, at the stage of development of the globalization process, scientists already emphasize that this process is not a linear phenomenon, but rather inherently complex and non-linear.
In our opinion, globalization reflects a holistic picture of human life. Therefore, according to professor A. Achildiev: “... in the most general sense, on one hand globalization is a special phenomenon, it is the process which covers all continents, states and the whole world, and on the other hand, it regards the fate of all humanity.” [1]
That is why Professor S. Otamuratov says that “... the concept of globalization remains diverse. This is normal. Due to differences in the spatial and temporal aspects, its influence on changing the world also opens up new possibilities.” [2]
Therefore, the fact that globalization as an open multidimensional phenomenon which encompasses self-government processes associated with the effective functioning of self-organization of the world community based on the specific requirements of modern civilization must be studied in a philosophical context.
Thus, the process of self-organization took place at different levels of intensity in the history of the world, since every social organism and even every culture were developed to interact with other social systems and sociocultural traditions. At the same time, the formation of a global nonlinear worldview has its own laws and regularity.
Conceptual model of globalization defines synergetic aspects of social and natural processes in the development of peculiar scientific picture of the world. Therefore, prior importance is given to scientific study of world community globalization and the development of effective scientific mechanism for determining national interests of each country in this process.
The basis for stable development to assess global processes is the concept that represents different stage of complex determinations. This process poses the necessity of studies of existing intellectual resources in economic, social, technologic, ecologic, information and ideological policies spheres.
Particularly, there are a rapidly increasing needs for the holistic, complex and integral study of global development. Consideration of the essence of concept “globalization”, its forms of emergence, historically changing peculiarities of conceptions regarding globalization and its modern models, types of globalization, scientific-theoretical and practical investigations of its scientific description and characteristics are paid attention with taking into account the issues mentioned in this chapter.
As the notion of a “conceptual model of globalization,” especially self-organization in the context of global changes have not been studied enough and absence of descriptions of scientific terms in this field has led to the need to clarify them.
Globalization “… is key to understanding the dialectics of conflicting trends in solution of the essence of development. Since the system organization is getting more complex, it will simultaneously accelerate the development which leads to the decrease of its stability level.” [3].
The phenomenon of globalization reflects the formation of totally new in sense economic, socio-political, natural and biological global environment as well as state of existing national and regional problems on a large scale.
In fact globalization has a significant influence not only on the material way of life, but also on the spiritual world of human.
The emergence of more than a million information resources every day in the virtual space indicates that its productivity is growing in a matter of minutes.
At the same time, globalization embraces the global economic system.
The universality of the globalization process reflects the desire to create a single space, which is a combination of national economies.
In his book “Globalization: Preventive Trends”’ D. Stiglitz wrote: “In my opinion, globalization means removing the barriers to free trade and is a good factor in the interconnection of national economies, and its development has a positive impact on the lives of all the people of the world, including the impoverished countries now. However, I am convinced that it is necessary to radically revise the mechanisms for managing globalization processes in removing trade barriers, and in international trade agreements that play an important role in policy towards developing countries.”
The work of Chinese scientists involved in the development of globalization is more utilitarian than the theoretical approach. Discussing the problems of globalization, well-known Chinese economist Fan Gang promotes the notion of an "unequal position in globalization," meaning that developed countries receive more dividends from globalization than developing countries.
Unlike a number of authors from developing countries who blame developed countries for inequality in the context of globalization, Fan Gang says that low-income countries, including China, should look for ways to eliminate this inequality and first should pay attention to its level, globalization that required openness of the economy, internal opportunities for successful participation in global competition.
Peculiarities of the dynamics of global processes are clearly defined by the timely development of the same volume.
As the system grows to a fuller level, the system network becomes denser, with energy and data speeds increasing exponentially. Indeed, global systems are fractal clusters, and fractal sizes increase rapidly. At a certain point, the rate of dispersion reaches an uncontrollable rate of process. Such mechanisms of action are characterized by the process quality, its complex nature, and the enormous speed that changes the open and closed systems. The process of self-organization in large-scale closed systems usually ends with an explosion. However, as Shabrov points out: “ … to be open is not enough for the development of a complex system; it must also have special mechanisms of self-organization and protection” [4].
Subsequently, the ability of self-organization was the main attribute of the expanding universe due to its openness (the physical emptiness created by the physical environment) and its imbalance.
The process of self-organization leads to the formation of a particular hierarchy of more complex interconnected systems. Besides, elementary particles, there are systems with significant complexity and order.
Globalization is a process of open, complex, evolving, nonlinear interaction between a developing society and various subsystems of a developing society with varying degrees and forms of expression.
Globalization is a complex system of opposing two processes: a natural, self-organized complex system.
On the nonlinear heuristic properties of synergetics, IS Dobronravova specifically states: “In nonlinear thinking heuristics is defined as a separate level, where holistic level dualistic structures, rather than couples or groups, are discovered” [5].
In this regard, K. A. Aliyeva also said: “The concept of development of IS Dobronravova is based on the formation of a nonlinear method of thinking” [6].
Globalization is a historical process of transforming the world into a unified and unique system. Historically, such a system was created under the influence of globalization factors:
· electronic means of reducing people time and space;
· technological changes that allow the global distribution of manufactured products;
· the formation of global ideologies such as the environment or human rights movement.
In the context of globalization, “The process of informatization as a next direction in the dynamics of human society requires development in a number of areas. Significant changes are taking place in the field of education.
In particular, through the revolution of science and information, it is possible to further improve the efficiency of teaching and learning.” [7]
Thus, the evolution of a new philosophical system is an integral part of world history, first of all, it allows one to fulfill one of the main tasks of philosophy – to integrate all of them into a single information system, from space time physics and elementary particles.
If all previous philosophical systems were intuitively created and linked to the names of their authors, philosophy of synergism is a new field of science created by many experts in various disciplines, primarily physicists, biologists, psychologists, philosophers and historians. The conceptual model of globalization serves to identify the synergetic aspects of social and natural processes in creating a unique scientific picture of the world.
The phenomenon of globalization as a self-organizing system embraces the following philosophical aspects:
First, the scientific and philosophical nature of the process of globalization must be studied in relation to the development of global socio-cultural changes that are driven by the needs and wants of the postindustrial society.
Second, it is necessary to develop a synergistic approach (global bifurcation, global fluctuations, global attractor, global dissipative system) to identify types, classifications, criteria, historical and modern features as well as philosophical and categorical bases of globalization.
Third, the study of the inherent convergent structure of globalization subordinated to systematic social evolution involves the development of the laws of society and the interconnected conditions for each global problem.
Fourth, it is important to study the theoretical and practical significance of qualitatively new components of the global worldview in the context of ontological, epistemological and axiological relation to reality.
Fifth, in terms of globalization, the discovery of the phenomenological aspects of humanity increases the need for nonlinear thinking.
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