N. Y. Smakovskaya Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
assistant professor
The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public
Administration under the President of the Russian Federation,
Dzerzhinsky branch, Dzerzhinsk,
Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia
Modern requirements for teachers of the higher schools are becoming more complex, invariant. In terms of active modernization of higher education teacher stands in front of the pressing need to rethink their professional and teaching experience from the standpoint of educational psychology, realized by introducing a rich repertoire of educational technologies and creating optimal conditions for pedagogical interaction. In this publication we will focus on understanding the experience of the study of cognitive and communicative-activity components of psychological culture, understood by us as the connection of current psychological knowledge (from the perspective of the necessary aspects of teaching their subject University lecturer), ability to carry out a productive professional-personal communication with students, as well as in the presence of a conscious need to improve their professionalism [1], [2].
Cognitive component as an integral part of the psychological culture of the teacher, revealed in an effort to acquire psychological knowledge and its implementation in practice, in the psychological understanding of their professional and educational activities, that is providing deep integration of psycho-pedagogical and methodological knowledge of the teacher to create optimal conditions for the development of professional and personal competencies of students (psychodidactic context); sharing best subject-subject interaction teaching technologies and forms of employment (social and psychological context); creating psychologically favorable conditions for interaction between the subjects of the educational environment on the basis of its systematic monitoring (emotionally and diagnostic context) [4].
At the stage of goal setting session, we have identified as the most important indicators, such as the realization of the objectives set with the active integration of innovative educational technologies; the approximation of educational technologies and forms of employment characteristics of the study group; prediction the potential level of development of professional and personal competencies of students. In procedural stage, we analyzed the degree of awareness of the motivational program instructor; teacher readiness to solve non-standard situations in the psychological process of pedagogical interaction, improvisation; teacher possibilities for creating complex didactic learning tools quality correction. At the stage of professional and personal reflection, we have focused on understanding the need for professional and personal reflection; system of criteria of professional self-reflection; program features professional-personal self-improvement of the teacher.
Note that we offer procedure (table 1) can be quite effective as in the embodiment of its application the teacher directly for the analysis of its activities, and in the options of studying faculty colleagues experience (for example, when inter-attendance lessons or watching their videos), as well as one of the stages of the certification procedure of the faculty of the university [4].
Table 1
Results of the study of the cognitive component of teachers based on the methodology «Psychologo-pedagogical analysis of classroom training in a college»
Psychodidactic context of the lessons
1.Stage setting goals
1.1 Implementation of the objectives set with the active integration of innovative educational technologies.
1.2 Adequacy of educational technologies and forms of employment characteristics of the study group.
1.3 Predicting the potential level of development of professional and personal competencies of students
2. Implementation Phase purposes
2.1 The degree of awareness of the motivational program instructor.
2.2 The willingness of the teacher to solve non-standard psychological situations, improvisation.
2.3 Features of the teacher in creating a set of didactic tools the quality of teaching correction
3. Step professional and personal reflection
3.1 Understanding the need for professional and personal reflection.
3.2 Criteria system professional and personal reflection.
3.3 Features professional and personal self-development of the teacher.
Socio-psychological context of the lessons
1. The dominant style of pedagogical interaction
2. Conscious realization of subject-subject of the verbal pedagogical interaction
3. Simulation of "non-linear" forms of organization of educational space
Emotionally-diagnostic context of the lessons
1. Features a comfortable emotional state pedagogical cooperation to implement the objectives set.
2.Psychological conditions and control mechanisms relevant psycho-emotional state of students
3. Operational self-diagnosis and correction of the teacher's own current emotional state.
In the process of studying the psychological our culture was identified, unfortunately, the situation is quite typical for teaching environment: there is a different attitude to the cultivation in the professional-pedagogical activity of the teacher of the higher technical school of psychological knowledge, concepts, educational technologies and forms of classroom training, professional and personal reflection, as well as socio-psychological techniques and technologies of diagnosis of mental and emotional state of the subjects of the educational environment.
Thus, the maximum level of development of the cognitive component is expressed in the fact that the teacher uses creative psycho-pedagogical knowledge indicators at all stages of employment, flexibility in adapting the software content of the discipline to the level of training of the student group in the context of the development of professional and personal competence of students; may indicate signs of its potential level and to determine the substantive tools for its development; teacher characterized by the ability to systematically determine the effectiveness of their own professional activity. Teacher interaction is a teacher on the basis of humanistic style, and it is important to stress that it creates the most favorable psycho-emotional background classes, experiencing the joy of the learning process of students with high activity.
For the average level of development is characterized by cognitive component (except the parameters indicated in Table 1) awareness of the potential level of development of professional and personal competencies of students as part of its subject matter, but in the absence of clearly defined its characteristics. Assessment of teacher his professional and educational activities carried out, to a greater extent from the point of mastering the subject maintenance of students in terms of emotional calm, smooth background studies, as well as the activity of the student group. Note that the teacher is aware of the importance of ownership and implementation psychodidactic potential in professional and educational activities.
The minimum level of cognitive component manifested in the fact that the teacher is not ready to determine the potential level of the signs and the development of professional and personal competences in the process of studying his subject. As a rule, teachers are no models of pedagogical interaction, adequate characteristics of the study group, but it can be realized the need to include psychological mechanisms to correct his mental and emotional state and psychological climate in the study group.
The critical level of cognitive component manifested in the fact that professional and pedagogical activity is a teacher, guided solely by the decision of their own short-term problems, not associated with the development of professional and personal competencies of students. Dominating in the pedagogical interaction are the subject-object communications in which control emotional state of students built, in general, to stimulate their negative emotions.
2. The authors of highlights the possibility of studying the complicated communication situations (decision of professional tasks of problem type), which differ in the need to penetrate the mechanism of the problem, establishing causal matching, finding more information and decision-making in a situation of choice of several alternatives, time constraints and uncertain conditions.
To study the current status of communicative-activity component in the structure of psychological culture we have developed and tested a method of "Assessment of communicative-activity component of psychological culture of the university" (a technique based on the solution of practical tasks) [6].
To identify the levels of development of communicative-activity component of psychological culture of technical college teacher in its structure were identified, communicative and analytical, communicative and diagnostic and design activities. The substantial characteristics of this action in a study of the psychological culture of the teacher, we assume can be as follows:
• communicative and analytical steps (CAD) are considered as complicated procedure of perception and understanding of the essential features of the situation and to establish in it the relations and properties, recognition of which is necessary to solve the educational problems in the communication environment;
• communicative and diagnostic activities (CCA) allows the teacher to relate the current communicative situation, its socio-psychological content with developing the personal and professional potential of the objective content of the discipline;
• communicative projective performance (COP) suggest the creation (recreation) communication patterns in an environment adequate to the dynamics of the development of the communicative situation, and modeling programs to improve teacher like his own psychological culture and psychological culture of students.
Teachers of various technical departments of the university, participated in the diagnosis, in order to study the current state of psychological culture was asked to perform a series of successively imposed tasks, each of which is a logical continuation of the previous one. A quest may be obtained from "0" to "3" points.
Analysis of the content made faculty jobs allowed us to identify the problem: was the part of the proposed tasks more difficult for the majority of teachers in which it was necessary to demonstrate not the emotional evaluation of the situation and the general arguments, and provide an analysis of the communicative situation by reference to the substantive content of the discipline, its differentiated characteristics and communicative diagnostic potential.
The data allowed us to create a conditional model of level indicators we studied the structural components of psychological culture of the teacher of the higher technical school (see. Table 2).
Table 2
Description of level indicators of cognitive and communicative – the activity component of psychological culture in a technical college teachers
Level development component
A generalized description of the level of development of cognitive and communicative-activity of components
Maximum level
Deep awareness of the importance of integrating psychodidactic teacher, psycho-social, emotional and diagnostic parameters, optimally realized through a system of communicative and analytical, communicative and diagnostic and communicative projective professional activities.
Average level
Fragmentary implementation psychodidactic linkages system, socio-psychological, emotional and diagnostic parameters. Awareness of opportunities integrating communicative and analytical, communicative and diagnostic and communicative projective professional activities in the content of the subject occurs sporadically and not in full.
Minimum level
Awareness of the need to integrate psychodidactic, socio-psychological, emotional and diagnostic parameters; communicative and analytical steps are not built in a communicative situation, in the substantive content of the lesson; professional-pedagogical activity the teacher is considered as a prerequisite for optimum professional and personal development of students rarely and unsystematically.
Critical level
Lack of awareness of the need for linkages between psychodidactic, socio-psychological, emotional and diagnostic parameters, as well as the integration of analytical, diagnostic and projective action in the professional activity of the teacher as an important psychological in its culture. They are not included in the system of professional and personal goal setting.
It is an axiom of the recognition of all researchers and practitioners from the fact that the key role in the implementation of innovative reforms in the higher education system plays a teacher. The results presented here, we believe, may be defined as the backlog situation of educational practice in higher education from the actual scientific results of psychological and educational research. It was his professionalism, personal improvement, striving for maximum realization of their creative potential is essential to obtain the necessary educational and training effect.
It should be noted that to determine fully the whole set of indicators of psychological culture of the structure components of college teacher only on the basis of individual techniques impossible. Psychological culture, being a multi-dimensional characteristic of the teacher as a person and the subject of activity, requires constant research through the development of diagnostic tools for psycho-pedagogical monitoring of professional activity of teachers on the basis of creation of experimental and diagnostic laboratory system in high school and in lector increase qualification at the University [3], [5].
1. Smakovskaya N. I. Readiness to perceive the psychological knowledge of teachers of higher technical school as a basis for improving their psychological culture // In the world of scientific discovery. – No. 11.4(47). 2013. – 353–362 p.
2. Smakovskaya N. I. Psychological awareness in the structure of psychological culture of the higher technical school teacher // Nizhny Novgorod education . – No. 1, 2014. – 40–44 p.
3. Smakovskaya, N. I. Diagnosis communicative-activity component of psychological culture of technical college teacher / N.I.Smakovskaya // Journal of Moscow State Regional University, "Psychological Science" series, No. 4, 2015. – p. 54–61. DOI: 10.18384/2310-7235-2015-4-54-61
4. Smakovskaya N. I. Psycho-pedagogical analysis of classroom teaching in the context of the study of the psychological culture of technical college teacher // Modern studies of social problems (electronic scientific journal) – No. 1 (45), 2015. – 118–126 p.
5. Smakovskaya N. I. Innovative forms improving the psychological culture of teachers // Akademicka psychlogie. – № 4. – 2017, p. 54–60.
Smakovskaya N. I. Experience studying the communicative behavior in structure of psychological culture of a higher school teacher // Practice of communicative behavior as an object of social and humanitarian researches: materials of the VI international scientific conference on November 1–2, 2017. – Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2017, p. 34–39.
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