L. V. Snegireva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, assistant professor,
ORCID 0000-0002-8935-0511,
e-mail: sneglv1@gmail.com,
Kursk State Medical University,
Kursk., Russia
E-learning advantages are well known to modern pedagogists [3; 5]. E-learning potential in providing university education process individualization, development of students’ self-control process and elimination of students’ educational defects allow to consider it as great educational tool [1; 4].
However, problem of e-learning various elements effectiveness (in particular, computer testing usage for pedagogical diagnostics) in first-year students’ adaptation process is not studied yet.
In this regard, the purpose of the research was to study computer testing effectiveness throughout university students’ adaptation process, as e-learning fundamental element.
The following research tasks were formulated:
1. To grade first-year students’ subjective indicator of adaptation process (level of anxiety);
2. To get students’ subjective assessment of computer testing, as e-learning fundamental element, throughout adaptation process
3. To analyze relationship between adaptation indicators and students’ subjective assessment of computer testing.
Materials and methods. 87 medical faculty students were examined: 54 first-year students and 33 sixth-year students. Examinees study General Medicine at Kursk State Medical University.
1) To assess the level of anxiety of the subjects, the Spilberger-Hanin anxiety scale was used. The level of anxiety at a particular moment (reactive anxiety as a state) and personal anxiety (as a stable characteristic of a person) were determined.
To interpret the indicators, the following estimates of anxiety were used:
-up to 30 points – low;
- from 31 to 44 points – moderate;
- from 45 points and more – high [2].
2) The subjective assessment of various forms of knowledge control was carried out according to the author's questionnaire containing 14 questions.
3) Statistical data processing was carried by – descriptive statistics, which allows you to summarize the primary results obtained by observation or experiment. The procedures here are reduced to grouping data by their values, building the distribution of their frequencies, identifying central distribution trends (for example, arithmetic mean) and, finally, estimating the spread of data with respect to the found central trend.
Results. High demand of computer testing by first-year students was found in analysis of research results. 39 % of examinees preferred computer testing to other forms of knowledge control, because of a number of indisputable advantages:
· computer interface sufficient knowledge;
· choosing between possible answers in computer testing;
· definite algorithm of testing programs;
· sufficient objectiveness;
· lack of personal contact with the teacher.
Examinees with the most difficulties in university adaption process consider computer testing as a necessary element of educational system. More than 58 % of such students esteem computer testing as effective form of knowledge control. In their opinion, computer testing, in opposite to oral discussion in class, does not lead to emotional stress, allows to concentrate on educational material and show the real level of knowledge. For comparison, computer testing is appreciated as effective e-learning component just by 34 % of examinees without any discomfort in university adaption process.
Students' subjective assessment of computer testing gets significant changes throughout adaptation process. Thus, only 6 % of sixth-year examinees considered computer testing as an effective e-learning component (compared with 39 % of first-year students). Graduates assess computer testing as inappropriate element of e-learning because of its insufficient objectiveness. Examinees don’t appreciate computer testing because of guessing correct answers possibility, question excessive formalization and educational content restriction.
79 % of sixth-year students would like to exclude computer testing from educational process. They prefer oral discussion in class with teachers to have the opportunity to develop logical thinking, systematize material, ensure social and professional interaction.
Thus, examinees get emotional stability at the end of adaptation process, and consequently interest to pedagogical diagnostics forms, that require social and professional interaction. On the contrary, at adaptation stage students need pedagogical diagnostics forms to minimize psychological discomfort, negotiate negative results of adaptation process. It was found, that computer testing is one of such forms.
We suggest to take into consideration research results in planning university educational process and to combine various knowledge control forms according to students’ adaptation stages.
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