Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Modern higher education: intersubjective management theory application

Modern higher education: intersubjective management theory application

Т. Moiseeva, Candidate of Economical Sciences, senior researcher,

e-mail: mtv-2002@yandex.ru,

Institute for the Control of Complex Systems

of Russian Academy of Sciences

N. Polyaeva, master,

e-mail: nat.polyaeva@yandex.ru,

Povolzhskiy State University of telecommunications and informatics

Samara, Russia


The educational system shows the rapid development of new forms of learning, as well as the modification of traditional forms. One of the main reasons is the need to improve the quality of education. The main emphasis of most modifications has been done on changing curricula, adding new disciplines and their better coordination. However, it is important to pay attention not only to the process of teaching students various subjects that provide professional knowledge, but also to train the ability to further life world navigation, to help to  increase personal labor market competitiveness.

The process of personality formation more dependent on the interaction of young people, starting with children's institutions. Therefore, it is important to focus on the education of personal qualities of young men in the pedagogical process. It is necessary for the student not only to absorb knowledge and to derive special skills, but to form a wide worldview, to master methods of appropriate behavior and activities in society, to bring up a system of ideals and values, attitude towards the individuals, moral, labor, aesthetic, ethical ideas, views and beliefs.

At the present stage of society development, the requirements for graduates of higher educational institutions had been changed. If a few decades ago, it was enough to evaluate professional knowledge and skills in order to characterize a qualified specialist, now the list of requirements has expanded. The employers make high demands on the quality, structure of knowledge and skills of young professionals. Students themselves feel the need for such knowledge that will help them not only to solve professional problems, but also to understand, what are the social consequences of these problems solving. Therefore, the higher technical school has such tasks concerning the formation of qualitative characteristics of future specialists as managerial culture, informational competence, conflict resolution culture, law culture, etc. In this process, it is important to pay attention not only to teaching general subjects, but also to the development of the personality of each student.

A radically new approach, contributing to the development of skills for solving problem situations in which future young specialists will find themselves and which students face, is of particular interest. This approach is based on the theory of intersubjective management proposed by V. A. Vittikh [8; 9], and developed in the writings of his followers [1; 2; 4–7]. Supplementing the modern system of education with a new theory will complement the traditional subject-oriented scheme adopted today. It will teach students to apply the fragmentary knowledge, gained during the study of various disciplines, in real situations in which they find themselves in life or at work. Thus, their personal competitiveness, self-esteem and the opportunity to participate in production processes with greater return will increase.

The essence of the new approach to learning management is that people who are aware of themselves in some problem situation participate in its regulation (management). The protagonist of the intersubjective management theory is an actor who tries not only to know the world, but also to transform it. Finding himself in a problem situation, the actor begins to act, seeking how to solve the problem and showing his personal qualities. Currently, the learning process is the same for everyone, pupils are taught the same subjects in similar programs, while the emphasis on personality is minimal. Although it is obvious that the role of personal involvement and participation of students in the learning process is very important.

The introduction of intersubjective management theory into the educational process [7; 9; 10] will make contribution not only into development of the personality of each student, but also into the bringing of an actor up in him. Raising actors now, in the future we will get people who can solve problem situations, listen and accept someone else's opinion, defend their point of view without conflict, conduct dialogue / polylogue and compromise.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention today to the education of future actors, forming their culture, who will be able to negotiate and participate in management processes in society.


1. Arpentieva M. R., Moiseeva T. V. Negotiations in the theory of intersubjective management // Ontology of design. – 2017. – № 1 (23). – P. 102–114.

2. Moiseeva T. V. Problems of intersubjective management of innovative development of socio-technical objects. Bulletin of SamGTU. «Technical Sciences» Series. – 2017. – № 3 (55). – Р. 16–31.

3. Moiseeva T. V. Innovative University Developement. Intersubjective Management. // Infocommunicational technologies. – 2016. – № 14 (1). – P. 92–99.

4. Moiseeva T. V., Myatishkin Yu. V. Interaction of problem situation participants // Ekonomické trendy. – 2017. – № 3. – P. 38–42.

5. Moiseeva T. V., Myatishkin Yu. V. Responsibilities division in the intersubjective communities // Innovations into the life. – 2017. – № 1.

6. Moiseeva T. V., Polyaeva N. Yu. Modeling of the problem situation in the theory of intersubjective management // Bulletin of the Dagestan Technical University. Technical sciences. – 2018. – № 45 (1). – P. 160–171.

7. Moiseeva T. V., Polyaeva N. Yu. Approbation of the theory of intersubjective management in technical university // Problems of Modern Education : materials of the VIII International Scientific Conference. September 10–11, 2017. – Prague: Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2017. P. 16–17.

8. Vittikh V. A. Introduction to the theory of intersubjective management // Group Decision and Negotiation. – 2015. – № 24 (1). – P. 67–95.

9. Vittikh V. A., Moiseeva T. V. Intersubjective management: from theory to practice. // XVIII Int. conf. «Complex systems control and modeling»: Samara: OOO «Ofort». 2016. – P. 53–62.

10. Vittikh V. А., Moiseeva T. V. Intersubjective education concept. Bulletin of the Vitte Moscow university. Series «Educational resourses and technologies». – 2014. – № 3. – P. 4–8.

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