Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Роль моральные качества в деятельности государственных служащих

Научный мультидисциплинарный журнал
Paradigmata poznání. - 2018. - № 2

Роль моральные качества в деятельности государственных служащих

У. Б. Шакаров, старший преподаватель

Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный институт,

г. Ташкент, Узбекистан


At the beginning of the twentieth century in the teaching of moral values in the field of public administration in developed countries, which earned you will be his witness.

In particular, Germany, France, the United States, China, Korea and Japan, as well as in a number of countries, the development of managerial human resources - were created as the main criterion for the development of a wide range of theoretical and methodological doctrines. In particular, Germany, France, the United States, China, Korea and Japan, as well as in a number of countries, the development of state cadre potential  were created as the main criterion for the development of a wide range of theoretical and methodological doctrines. Today, many developing countries based on the category of “public servant” “Moral Code” and “Ethical Standards” came out in the field of management. At the same time, leadership potential of a person, identify resources, introduce technologies in the development of society as well as its intellectual abilities, the introduction of mechanisms have been created. This issue is also importance for Uzbekistan. In this regard, the government in the years of independence has changed dramatically. In essence, the principles of a democratic and market economy are expressed in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. For instance, “The state shall function on the principles of social justice and legality in the interests of well-being of the people and society” [1] the principle of responsibility and accountability in the activities of public bodies to ensure citizens participation in public administration, civil society serve to expand the basis. Indeed, many aspects of implementing reforms will depend on the attitude of staff to their work. In this regard, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh. Mirziyoev, said: “Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should become an everyday norm in the activities of each leader” [2]. Indeed, today's leaders are demanded some moral qualities, but without them they do not fulfill their duties. Indeed, today's leaders are demanded some moral qualities, but without them they do not fulfill their duties. Therefore, the morale of civil servants is a certain discipline and order as a management system for a number of factors that serve to improve access efficiency. The demand of government officials to be regulated by the authorities and their moral behavior is one of the values directly related to our ancient culture of statehood. Be a leader of the democratic and fair determine the state and prospects for the development of the country. In this regard, Mohammed Kazi said: “He (the leader) knows that the position of the emir and the government is the means by which this eternal happiness and good name is achieved” [3, с. 26]. Authority and prestige of power associated with the management of personal ethics on the views of ancient values. The emergence of moral of public servants, improving the organization of management on the basis of ethical values, such an immortal heritage of modern statehood has not lost its importance. But to organize mutual trust among state leaders and citizens and there are some conflicting views on building internal government relations of the government on a healthy ethical basis. Such contradictions are manifested in the actions of the head of administration in the implementation of justice and the principles of law, public activities and personal qualities. Since power is always a source of political and financial freedom, there is a lot of “beloved” in it. If the production relations are not based on the criteria of fair distribution, and legal relations have not been formulated, this is a shallow administration culture. In the case of cultural backwardness, ethical requirements and values cannot be applied to administrative activities. In such circumstances, the order of spiritual relations between leader and staffs don’t work. This, in turn, leads to the fact that unhealthy forces come to power or to leadership positions – this brings an immoral environment. An important document in the field of regulation of administrative and administrative ethics is the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 2, 2016 “On approval of the Standard rules of ethical behavior of employees of state administration bodies and local Executive Bodies”. The main purpose of these rules of government and local Executive bodies in a single set of principles and rules of ethics, in order to perform their duties conscientiously and effectively to create conditions for the prevention of abuse in the public service. Civil servants should be familiar with these rules and must observe first of all their responsibility for the work, and secondly, that they are the only way to create high moral and ethical qualities in the relations between employees. One of the important aspects of this issue is that a civil servant who adheres to these rules is one of the criteria for assessing his professional activities and behavior in his service. The adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2017 on September 8) “On the approval of the Concept of Administrative Reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan” serves today to increase the responsibility and initiative of civil servants. This concept will allow to formulate uniform norms defining the status of civil servants, the criteria for their evaluation of effectiveness and the creation of a professional body of civil servants. Also, in order to create a professional corps of civil servants, to organize public services, including the creation, legal status and classification of civil servants, the transparent mechanisms of admission to the service (on the basis of choice), the formation of the personnel reserve, the performance of the service, the observance of ethical standards allows us develop drafts of regulatory legal acts governing the issue. Also, the leaders of all levels must deeply realize one truth: “Nоt the people should serve the state bodies, but the state bodies should serve the people” [4, с. 16] this principle is very important. Unfortunately, in our country, along with achievements, there are cases when state servants abuse their functions at different levels. Public administration should be systematically analyzed, and the results of its work should be strengthened by appropriate conclusions. Because the development of society and today's demands, apart from our desire is changing every minute. Therefore, to analyze the theoretical aspects of management, it is necessary to strengthen attention. Nowadays, the government not only fulfilled its responsibilities, but also how to perform, this is also an important issue. Recognizing its responsibility to the people, in addition to its professional capacity, it is necessary to establish mechanisms that determine its personal qualities and qualities. In short, the spiritual and ethical conduct of civil servants is one of the basic principles of the civil service. In particular, the moral and ethical structure of the civil service ensures the integrity and prospects of democratic degrees, at the same time it serves to strengthen the moral and legal status of public service. In this sense, the moral and ethical factors of the civil servant also play an important role in the future. In the end, the moral quality of the modern leader plays a critical role in the formation of a positive political and moral environment for strengthening and ensuring the stability of the Uzbek society.


  1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси. – Т. : Ўзбекистон, 2017.
  2. Мирзиёев Ш. М. Танқидий таҳлил, қатъий тартиб-интизом ва шахсий жавобгарлик раҳбар фаолиятининг кундалик қоидаси бўлиши керак. – Т.: Ўзбекистон, 2017.
  3. Муҳаммад Қози. Ҳукмдорга ўгитлар. – Т.: Шарқ, 1999.
  4. Мирзиёев Ш. М. Қонун устуворлиги ва инсон манфаатларини таъминлаш – юрт тараққиёти ва халқ фаровонлигининг гаровидир. – Т. : Ўзбекистон, 2017.
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