А. Е. Паршиков PhD, генеральный директор,
ООО МКК «Инвест-Парк»,
г. Калуга, Россия
Нормативно-правовое регулирование кредитного процесса – это совокупность правовых норм, регулирующих отношения в сфере кредитования между кредитными организациями, Центробанком, заемщиками. Базовые правовые нормы содержатся в Гражданском кодексе РФ (глава 42 «Заем и кредит»), ФЗ «Об ипотеке (залоге недвижимости)», ФЗ «О потребительском кредите (займе)», ФЗ «О микрофинансовой деятельности и микрофинансовых организациях», ФЗ «О кредитной кооперации», ФЗ «О ломбардах».
E. A. Brashovan
Kuban State University,
Institute of Secondary Professional Education,
Krasnodar, Russia
21 century… 3d millennium. On one hand, we live in the world of great opportunities, limitless permissiveness. We can have whatever we want at any time. But can we say that we have a happy life, or that our lives are happier than those of our ancestors?
The notion “quality of living “that appeared in 1958 is still being discussed by huge number of people. It can be viewed through two tendencies. The first one is based on the characteristics of socio-economic development level of society including quality of educational and medical services available for people, level of delinquency, later there were ecological characteristics included. But the bigger popularity both in previous times and now is observed in the definition of “quality of living” as “individual’s subjective assessment of the level of satisfaction of his or her personal needs”. And the level of this satisfaction depends on many things including one of the main-rest and the quality of human’s rest.
E. B. Doroshina student,
National Research University
Higher School of Economics,
Moscow, Russia
After the end of the war of independence, which ended in 1783, the question of the political structure of the newly created state flared up with renewed vigor. A wave of discontent among farmers and artisans swept across the states, which was a good reason for the leaders to push forward the idea of creating a new, stronger system of government.
In 1787, not only deputies came to the Philadelphia Convention, but also well-known figures of the times of the struggle for independence. Among them was George Washington, who was elected chairman. As a result of the meetings on September 17 of the same year, the US Constitution was adopted, which entered into force only after the approval of nine states in March 1789.
А. П. Ватропина, ученица,
Школа № 3, Центр развития образования,
Н. Н. Бутятин, студент,
Рязанский строительный колледж
им. Героя Советского Союза В. А. Беглова,
г. Рязань, Россия
Строительство – важная область в составе современной экономики (образует 709 млрд руб/ 10.089 млрд долларов США на 1квартал 2020 года в структуре ВВП) [6], которая связана со всеми частями народного хозяйства. Строительство – это сложный совокупный механизм. Основные участники, входящие в состав строительной области, являются: проектные организации, инвесторы, монтажные предприятия, застройщики и т. д. [3]
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