Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Theoretical and methodical principles of university students’ physical education during extracurricular sports work

Theoretical and methodical principles of university students’ physical education during extracurricular sports work

D. N. Abramov, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

ORCID 0000-0002-7791-9467, e-mail: abramow-dmitrii@yandex.ru,

Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaysky,

Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Our work is devoted to theoretical, methodological generalization. A new approach is proposed to solve the urgent problem of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work.

The conceptual foundations of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work are determined; a cultural and historical retrospective of the issue of physical education of a person was carried out and scientific approaches (personality-oriented, active, systemic, environmental) to the physical education of university students were proposed, which made it possible to characterize the modern theoretical foundations of the physical education of university students [1].

The conceptual completeness of the natural education of university students has been substantiated; Recognition of the essence and structure of the concepts of  «physical education of a student personality», which is a prerequisite and ability of a person to self-improvement, aimed at the universal and harmonious development of culture in higher educational institutions; established psychological and pedagogical factors and patterns of education of university students; The strategy of students' physical culture formation is described.

The strategy of physical education of university students as an integral psychological and pedagogical phenomenon is based on an understanding of the essence of its components (cognitive, emotional, value, behavioral and activity), takes into account the origins of physical culture, based on varieties of physical culture and having essentially material, spiritual and aesthetic values .

Psychological and pedagogical factors of physical education of a student’s personality are considered as a special combination of subjective (a set of motivational attitudes, value orientations, individual consciousness and worldview of a student) and objective factors characterized by modern conditions for the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions [2].

The laws of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work determine the social and personal development of students, take into account the peculiarities of the formation of the components of a person’s physical culture, as well as biological patterns that ensure the normal relationship of the body with the environment for the formation of abilities for sports and fitness activities.

General didactic principles of physical education (the correspondence of nature and culture in learning, an individual-personal approach, harmonious (value) development of a person, orientation to health, connection with a student’s life) and specific principles of physical education (legitimacy, democratization of the educational process, systematic approach, strategic integrity , multidimensionality, systematic, accessibility and individuality, dynamism, the influence of pedagogical adequacy of age).

A psychological and pedagogical context has been created for constructing the content of physical education of university students. Extra-curricular sports activities with students are defined as a system of special events for the formation of personal qualities aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills, building the competencies of future specialists, which serve as the basis for their personal and professional development. Specificity and a conceptual model of out-of-school sports and mass work in a university aimed at fostering the physical culture of a student’s personality are disclosed.

Methodological principles (systemicity, integrity, isomorphism, mediation in activity, invariance) and a program of empirical studies of the education of physical education university students are presented; defined criteria, indicators and educational levels of the student’s physical culture; The results of the confirmation stage of the pedagogical experiment are presented.

In accordance with certain components, the criteria (mental, emotional, value, motor activity) and indicators of education of students by physical education are substantiated. Four levels of their education were identified (high, sufficient, medium, low).

The results of the confirming stage of the experiment showed an insufficient level of physical education of students of I-II course. The revealed state of physical education of university students confirmed the need to justify and design the pedagogical system of education of physical education of students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work in higher educational institutions and determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for its effective implementation.

The pedagogical system of physical education of university students is justified and developed in the process of out-of-class mass sports in higher educational institutions, the main components of which are reflected in the target (goal and objectives), conceptual (methodological approaches, principles), prognostic (components, criteria, indicators and levels ), forming (stages of organization, methods, forms, means and psychological and pedagogical conditions) effective (positive dynamics of physical education of students of higher educational institutions).

As part of the introduction of the developed pedagogical system, a substantive and methodological support for the physical education of students of higher educational institutions in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work has been developed, which is reflected in teaching aids: «Moving Games», «Physical Self-Improvement of Students», «Physical Education. Fitness» (co-authored); copyright courses: «Physical education. Volleyball», «Physical education. Aerobics», «Physical education. Rhythmic gymnastics», «Physical education. Pilates», «Physical Culture. Body fitness»; in the multimedia program «Beautiful Body».

Innovative fitness programs based on aerobic motor activity and fitness programs based on recreational gymnastics were developed and implemented. In the innovative organizational form of physical education, functional training is proposed, which is a process of sports training aimed at improving health, developing motor skills, increasing the level of physical fitness and determined by the components of physical, mental, spiritual and social conditions. It has been revealed that a significant potential for educating a person’s physical culture has active leisure, which stimulates students' creative initiative and contributes to their self-education.


The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the pedagogical system of education of physical education of students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work in higher education institutions are identified and justified, namely: students' awareness of the importance of physical education and a healthy lifestyle; creation of a health-saving educational environment as a space of opportunities for individual choice of the trajectory of physical development and forms of informal mass sports; the formation of conscious motivation among students to engage in extracurricular sports and mass work and the steady need for physical self-improvement; improving the content of interactive and multimedia health-saving technologies used in extracurricular activities for physical education of students; taking into account age and individual characteristics of students, personalization of the process of out-of-school sports and mass work; the formation of subjectivity and improving the pedagogical skills of teachers of physical education as a factor in achieving the quality of medical and rescue educational activities.

An analysis of the results of the stage of the formation of the experiment showed that the positive dynamics of the levels of education on the cognitive, emotional-value, behavioral and activity components of physical education of university students in the experimental group indicates the effectiveness of the implemented pedagogical approach of the system of physical education of students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work in higher education institutions.

Scientific and methodological recommendations based on educational invariants of personality development (according to I. Bech) are developed.

The scientific novelty of the results is that the theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work are defined and justified, namely: for the first time, a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the problem of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports work and substantiation of the conceptual foundations this process; the pedagogical system of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work, psychological and pedagogical conditions for its effective implementation are theoretically substantiated and developed; characterized by the specifics and didactic foundations of the physical education of students in extracurricular sports activities of higher educational institutions; criteria were defined (mental, emotional, value, motor activity) with relevant indicators (knowledge in the field of physical culture, informational need for awareness of physical culture and sports, the development of motor intelligence (the ability for subtle motor movements); positive emotional — a critical attitude to physical education, the need for physical self-improvement, focus on sports, competitive activity and outdoor activities; and the level (high, sufficient, medium and low) of the level of students' physical fitness.

The essence of the concept of «physical culture of the student’s personality» is clarified, which is considered as a motivated need and ability of a person to physical self-improvement, aimed at its versatile and harmonious development, encompassing the whole complex of physical mental, moral-volitional and spiritual qualities that he receives in physical education lessons in higher education institutions; the structure of the «physical culture of the student’s personality» is clarified (cognitive, emotional-value, behavioral-activity components).

Further development has been achieved: a position on the nature of the physical education of students, the laws and psychological and pedagogical factors of this process, the content, forms and methods of organizing and implementing out-of-school sports and mass work in higher educational institutions aimed at improving the physical culture of students.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the implementation of: the pedagogical system of education of students' physical culture in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work of higher educational institutions; diagnostic tools to determine the levels of education of the student’s physical culture; the content and methodological support of university students with physical education in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work, which is reflected in textbooks: «Moving Games», «Physical Self-Improvement of Students», «Physical Education. Fitness»; Author courses: «Physical education. Volleyball», «Physical education. Aerobics», «Physical education. Rhythmic gymnastics», «Physical education. Pilates», «Physical Culture. Fitness for the body», in the multimedia program «Beautiful body».

Theoretical, technological and methodological results of the study can be used in the process of physical education of university students to create educational programs, special courses for students, study guides, methodological recommendations, and can also be applied in the system of professional development of teaching staff.


1. Abramov D. N., Badilin A. O. Cultural and historical retrospective of the problem of educating the physical culture of the individual // Scientific peer-reviewed journal "Uchenye zapiski P. F. Lesgaft". 2019 . – No. 9 (175). – P. 3–6.

2. Abramov D. N., Badilin A. O. The scientific approach to the education of students' physical culture in higher educational institutions // Scientific peer-reviewed journal "Uchenye zapiski P.F. Lesgaft". – 2019. – No. 10 (176). P. 3–7.

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