Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Use of the internet in professional and pedagogical teacher`s activity

Научный мультидисциплинарный журнал
Paradigmata poznání. - 2019. - № 3

Use of the internet in professional and pedagogical teacher`s activity

I. S. Popova, postgraduate of Philological Sciences,

assistant professor,

ORCID 0000-0002-8863-036X,


Severodvinsk branch of Northern (Arctic) Federal University,

Institute of Humanities,

Severodvinsk, Russia


Computer and the Internet telecommunication technologies have become an important part of everyday life for many people. The Internet has introduced improvements in technology, communication and online entertainment, but it is also incredibly useful for education purposes as well. Teachers use the Internet to supplement their lessons, and a number of great universities and institutes have opened up free online lectures and courses to everyone. It has even allowed retired teachers to read to and educate pupils. Widespread use of the Internet has opened up a big amount of knowledge to a much broader range of people than ever before.

Let`s observe the opportunities of the Internet in the educational sphere, its advantages and problems.

The Internet contains a wealth of knowledge that is available instantly upon any search. The Internet has superseded libraries as a source for information gathering and research. Many teachers and assistants professor ask students to visit specific websites to study from home. Different online encyclopedias provide a lot of knowledge on almost every topic imaginable. The variety of sources allows student to pursue subjects in much great detail rather than being limited to whatever the teacher sends home [1].

Modern educational standards indicate that the metasubject results of the development of the basic educational program should demonstrate the successful formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies. 

At the same time, the substantive results of the development of the basic General education program suggest the creation of a basis for the formation of interest in the use of a foreign language as a means of obtaining information that allows you to expand your knowledge in other areas, as well as a means of communication. Currently, the main source of information is the Internet. To date, the use of the Internet in preparation for foreign language lessons, as well as the organization of extracurricular activities is important, as it is on the Internet you can find useful information, as well as examples of the organization of interactive lessons.

One of the most essential pedagogical principles of language teaching is one that emphasizes the study of language in a cultural context. Understanding the culture of the target language enhances understanding of the language. The Internet is a valuable resource to both language teachers and learners. E-mail on the Internet allows language learners to communicate with native speakers. In this manner, the Internet facilitates the use of specific language in an authentic setting. Developing linguistic competence focuses a language as a code, while communicative competence results from interpreting language as a communication system [2].

The Internet also serves as a medium for experiencing and presenting creative works. While students can peruse the information on the Net, they can also use it as a platform for their own work such as essays, poetry, or stories [2].

There are a number of advantages of web-based teaching. The main  one is that it is available 24 hours a day, 7 day a week. And such teaching can be free, o relatively inexpensive, to many users.

The Internet is one of the most powerful tools for teachers to help students collaborate, interact and participate actively in the learning process. However, the wealth of available resources may cause confusion among students and discourage them from participating, if they are not given the necessary guidelines. When students are faced with thousands of Internet sources they cannot effectively handle such large amounts of information. One of the most important tasks for teachers is to assist their students so that they can discover what they enjoy most according to their level of linguistic competence. Teachers are also responsible for the evaluation of all the web tools offered. Computer technology is becoming both more useful and more cost effective for many fields of teaching. And yet only you, the teacher, can determine whether these methods will prove effective in your classroom. Whatever you decide, remember that technology complements, but does not fundamentally alter, the elements of teaching [2].

Despite the existing achievements, evidence from the direct participants of the educational process, as well as researches shows that the process of information retrieval from the Internet is associated a set of problems.

One of the problems is the problem of cognitive overload, it means the unreasonably large amounts of time required for learning of system control function and for making the decision about future routes of net surfing [3]. 

Another problem is irregularity of represented information sources in accordance with their types. The problem of legislative and public control over Internet contents are a part of the general problem which can be denoted the trans-cultural nature of the Net. It can become a difficult trial of cultural identity for the nations of the world [3]. 

There are some basic difficulties in the usage of the Internet telecommunication technologies. Methodical problems – Most teachers currently don`t have skills required for managing collaborative educational projects on the Net. Technological problems – Internet technologies and particular software applications are not of an affordable price for educational organizations [3].

As the education system is currently changing, there are many new opportunities for teachers to achieve the goals of learning a foreign language. The purpose of education of the pupil prepared for life in the modern information world, and also able competently to find, select and analyze the information met to it on the Internet, can be reached by the teacher who owns modern educational and information technologies and uses them both at preparation for a lesson of a foreign language, and at carrying out this lesson.

The degree of readiness of teachers to use modern information and communication technologies in their professional and pedagogical activities is an important part of their professional competence, as today not to use the Internet and ICT in their activities is problematic. But the Internet is a fantastic tool for teachers. It is not the answer to simple teaching or studying, but it is an incredibly motivating resource for both teachers and learners.


1. J. Wright. Importance of Internet to Education. URL:  https://itstillworks.com/importance-internet-education-1232.html (дата обращения: 15.06.2019)

2. Teaching English using the Internet: Guidelines for Teachers URL: https://infourok.ru/teaching_english_using_the_internet_guidelines_for_teachers-191200.htm (дата обращения: 15.06.2019)

3. Use of Internet for the Teachers. Support materials for educators. URL: https://iite.unesco.org/pics/public (дата обращения: 15.06.2019)

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