Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety and health engineers: the research methodology

Научный мультидисциплинарный журнал
Paradigmata poznání. - 2021. - № 3

Formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety and health engineers: the research methodology

E. N. Abiltarova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor,

Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University,

Institute of vocational education and training,

Kiev, Ukraine


Introduction. The safety culture in the system of professional training of occupational safety engineers is a key element in the formation of their personality and professional skills as subjects of the educational process of higher educational institutions and is considered through the system of social values, the level of formation of a set of professional knowledge, skills, professionally important qualities, work experience, providing high results of professional activity.

In the course of the scientific search, we established the importance and necessity of developing the methodology for conducting a study of the problem of formation of the safety culture of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The results of the analysis of studies and publications on the indicated problem show that the issues of the implementation of empirical research in the methodology of pedagogical science are reflected in the works of S. U. Goncharenko, V. I. Zagvyazinsky, V. V. Kraevsky, M. I. Mykhnyuk, M. N. Skatkina, L. Z. Tarkhan. In the theoretical and methodological basis of our research, a special place is occupied by the scientific works of A. N. Kuteinikova, N. S. Minaeva, S. K. Sergienko, B. A. Smirnov. Thus, the joint work by B. A. Smirnova and A. M. Tinkov describes the methods of engineering psychology, which are designed to study and describe the activities of a human operator in the “man-machine” system [6]. Within the framework of our research, physiological and psychological methods, as well as methods of processing the results and organizing engineering and psychological research, are of interest in the above-mentioned work.

It should be noted that for processing experimental data within the problem under study, it is necessary to use mathematical methods aimed at solving the problems of measuring and analyzing the results of a pedagogical experiment based on correlation analysis, taking into account algorithms for working with statistical criteria (criterion for unrelated measurements, Fisher's criterion (F-test), Mann-Whitney U-test, homogeneity test), described in detail by A. N. Kuteinikov [2]).

In addition, the following works are of considerable interest for our research: dissertations that describe experimental work on the formation of life safety culture (I. A. Golubeva, L. N. Gorina, T. V. Zyryanova, V. A. Evteev, A. V. Kazmina, S. E. Kosynkina, T. A. Petukhova, A. V. Snegirev), ecological culture (Yu. D. Boychuk, N. P. Efimenko, L. I. Yurchenko), culture of health (N. A. Bashavets, V. P. Gorashchuk, L. S. Sokolenko), professional culture (S. A. Isaenko, M. I. Mykhnyuk), corporate culture (T. I. Koicheva). So, grounded by M. I. Mykhnyuk, the experience in checking the dynamics of the development of the professional and technological component of the professional culture of teachers of special disciplines can be considered as an example of the implementation of the ascertaining and formative stages of a pedagogical experiment [3].

Thus, the analysis of dissertations, scientific and pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical literature testifies to the importance of the methodology of pedagogical science for conducting a pedagogical experiment. At the same time, solving the problem of forming the safety culture among future occupational safety and health engineers in an empirical aspect requires the development of a research methodology based on a set of methods at the intersection of pedagogical, psychological, sociological and engineering sciences. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the research methodology on the problem of the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety and health engineers.

Results and discussion. An experiment is a planned intervention of a researcher in the course of the studied process, the possibility of multiple reproduction of the studied phenomena in varying conditions with respect to accurate measurement of their parameters [1, p. 157]. At the same time, according to S. O. Sysoeva, the main goal of the experiment is to test the theoretical provisions, confirm the working hypothesis, and to conduct a comprehensive study the research topic [5, p. 64].

Taking into account the above theoretical provisions, the purpose of our experimental work is to test the scientific hypothesis, which is that increasing the level of formation of the safety culture among future occupational safety and health engineers will be effective if a methodological system for the formation of the professional activity safety culture is introduced in the process of professional training of safety engineers.

The study of pedagogical facts or phenomena should be subordinated to the leading idea of research, aimed at solving a specific problem, without which it is impossible to determine what exactly should be observed or studied [4, p. 101]. In view of this, we have developed a plan for the scientific search for the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers, including the following tasks: to find out the state of knowledge of the problem of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future specialists in labor protection in scientific literature and pedagogical practice; to identify and substantiate the essence and structure of the safety culture of professional activity; to substantiate the concept of forming the safety culture of professional activity of future occupational safety engineers; to define and theoretically substantiate the principles, approaches and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity; to develop the content of the culture of safety of professional activity; to clarify the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity; to develop a methodological system for the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity and experimentally test its effectiveness in the process of professional training of specialists in labor protection; to propose and introduce educational and methodological support for the process of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety and health engineers.

The development of the methodological section of the experiment program is associated with the construction and description of the experimental technique, the planning of its procedures. The experimental methodology begins with the development of the methodological system for the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety and health engineers. The structural analysis of the experimental method indicates that the experimental work is carried out in several stages. When determining the required time for the experiment, the recommendations of well-known methodologists in the field of pedagogical research (S. U. Goncharenko, A. A. Kiveryalg, A. M. Novikov, S. O. Sysoeva) were taken as a basis.

In our case, the scientific search was carried out during 2014–2021 and covered four stages.

At the search stage of the experimental work (2014–2016), an aspect analysis of the problem of the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety and health engineers in pedagogical theory and practice was analyzed and carried out; domestic and foreign experience was systematized. The study was supposed to reveal the essence of the concepts of “culture”, “safety”, “safety culture” in the context of philosophy, sociology, psychology, and pedagogy. And also to analyze the theoretical foundations of the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety engineers: theories, concepts, methods of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future engineers on labor protection; to determine the experimental base, carry out the selection of the control and experimental groups; to develop a technique for measuring and processing the results of the experiment.

At the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical research (2016–2017), it was aimed to conduct the ascertaining experiment. At this stage, the technology of analyzing the state of the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety engineers was revealed through the process of observing and assessing the state of formation of professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and professionally important qualities of students.

At the formative stage of the experiment (2018–2020), the effectiveness of the conducted methodological system for the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future occupational safety engineers was investigated, which was assessed by the level of formation of the culture of occupational safety among future occupational safety engineers. In the process of scientific research, special attention was paid to the problem of developing and substantiating the content and innovative methods of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity among future labor protection engineers. The effectiveness of training students was assessed by the level of formation of motivational needs in the formation of the culture of safety, the development of professional knowledge and skills, as well as professional and personal qualities.

At the generalizing stage of the pedagogical experiment (2020–2021), the results of theoretical and practical research were summarized; general conclusions were formulated; preparation and execution of the manuscript and publication of the monograph «Formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers: theory and practice» were done; methodological recommendations on the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety engineers were developed. At this stage of the pedagogical experiment, a comparative analysis of the results of the experiment was carried out, conclusions were substantiated about the effectiveness of the pedagogical system for the formation of the safety culture of professional activity among future occupational safety engineers, and the prospects for the formation of the safety culture were substantiated.

Conclusions. Summarizing the above, we have defined a theoretical and methodological basis for the problem of formation of the safety culture among future occupational safety and health engineers. The research methodology is substantiated, the main stages and tasks of the experimental work are determined. It has been established that the research methodology for the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety specialists requires the use of a set of methods on the intersection of pedagogical, psychological, sociological and engineering sciences. We see the prospect of further research in the development of questionnaires to diagnose the level of the safety culture of professional activity.


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