Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Medical students’ adaptation process dynamics: academic activity aspects

Научный мультидисциплинарный журнал
Paradigmata poznání. - 2021. - № 4

Medical students’ adaptation process dynamics: academic activity aspects

L. V. Snegireva, Candidate of Biological Sciences,

assistant professor,

ORCID 0000-0002-8935-0511, sneglv1@gmail.com,

Kursk State Medical University,

Kursk., Russia


Educational process effectiveness depends on educational content, teaching methods and pedagogical diagnostics forms. Different aspects of educational process efficiency are studied by modern researchers. In particular, the adaptive impact of university educational environment, adaptation process dynamics for students with different academic activities.

To solve the problem, the aim of study was formulated as to determine medical students’ adaptation process dynamics with regard to academic activities of examinees. The following research tasks were formulated: to study students’ satisfaction with knowledge assessment procedure results; to grade students’ situational anxiety levels in knowledge control procedure throughout university adaptation process; to analyze students’ academic activity throughout university adaptation process.

Materials and methods. 53 medical university students were examined: 29 first-year students during the first 3 months of studies and 14 sophomores in 1,5 years of studies. Examinees study clinical psychology in Kursk State Medical University. The anxiety level was evaluated by Spilberg-Hanin’s scale. Situational (or reactive) anxiety was determined as actual respond to a stress and discomfort. It’s considered as an indicator of stress intensity. Personal anxiety was considered as constitutional feature, examinee’s tendency to be stressed from a wide range of situations.

To interpret the results, the following scale was used [1]: up to 30 points – low anxiety level; from 31 to 44 points – moderate anxiety level; from 45 points and more – high anxiety level.

Statistical analysis was performed with descriptive statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes features of a collection of information. Students’ academic activity was analyzed with the use of e-register. Students’ satisfaction with knowledge assessment procedure results was carried out according to the author's questionnaire containing 14 questions.

Students' adaptation to university educational system is resulted in release of emotional discomfort in knowledge assessment procedure. 14 % of sophomores are not stressed anymore in pedagogical diagnostics process (in comparison with 3 % of first-year examinees, figure 1). Just low motivated first year students with poor academic results escaped from extra anxiety in knowledge control procedure. For the second year, already high academic activity examinees are not stressed in pedagogical diagnostics system.

This fact is confirmed by the following research data: 21 % of sophomores are satisfied with knowledge assessment procedure results. Satisfaction is found just for high academic activity examinees. At the same time 14 % of sophomores are dissatisfied with pedagogical diagnostics results (in comparison with 28 % first year students). Half of dissatisfied first-year examinees were high academic activity students. For second year, dissatisfaction with knowledge assessment results is found just for low academic activity students. At the end of adaptation process, 64 % of sophomores are partially satisfied with pedagogical diagnostics results (in comparison with 52 % of first-year examinees). Two-thirds of not fully satisfied first-year students had high enough academic results, but adaptive emotional stress was decreasing their educational potential. Mismatch of examinees’ abilities, talent, efforts in getting professional skills with knowledge assessment results, made them to develop educational activity. In contrary, just a fifth of partially satisfied sophomores are represented by high academic activity examinees. Adaptation process completion, leading to sophomores’ emotional stability, contributes to full disclosure of students' abilities and educational success, particularly in pedagogical diagnostics process.


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