Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Civil society: specifics of formation in the context of globalization

VI международная научно-практическая конференция
Общество, культура, личность в современном мире

Civil society: specifics of formation in the context of globalization

V. N. Goncharov, Doctor of Philosophy, assistant professor,

North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia


Specific feature of the present stage of civil society formation are social networks [3, р. 309–315]. The defining influence on a way of problem statement and solution have, first, nature of thinking of that era in which the problem is formulated, and, secondly, the level of knowledge of those objects which concern the given problem «in the definite and fixing this world structure- in language and in consciousness» [1, р. 156–159].

 One of the most important principles of civil initiatives realization is creation of conditions for the most transparent control mechanisms of implementation of the government. After the beginning of information revolution there were new opportunities for the state control concerning activity and individuals communication [2, р. 168–177]. There were additional instruments of civil management of socio-political processes with the use of interstate communications and supranational institutes which can be rather effective and reflect interests of free independent persons. These separate local initiatives were gradually integrated into strategy of global civil society [10, р. 128–133].

Success of civil initiatives realization in the modern world depends on three significant objective factors: global multilevel transformations (globalization), technological infrastructure for successful civil communication – a planetary information network and exponential expansion of national and transnational social networks [11, р. 155–160].

Using technologies of social networks, citizens unite on the basis of similar values, ideological preferences and sociocultural purposes [8, р. 123–128]. Complementarity of globality, information technologies and expansion of network communities creates positive dynamics of evolution of public control over the government bureaucratic institutions and guarantees stability of social and economic development of democratic society [9, р. 119–123]. Use of social networks by government institutions for control and management of masses is also an important subject for understanding of risks and threats of global civil society formation.

Economic, technological, political and social processes in the modern world in many respects are defined by global transformations, their orientation, intensity and speed. This difficult complex of changes is often designated by the word globalization [12, р. 130–134]. Globalization acceptance as a natural law, social and economic inevitability during evolution of mankind conducts to decrease in socio-political activity of citizens [13, р. 266–270]. Formation of civil society in one particular country happens in specific cultural and historical and social and economic conditions, and to some extent is unique [5, р. 124–129]. Certainly that there are invariants of civil activity, but they do not define tactical actions of groups and individuals. Process of creation of global civil society is much more difficult as it is required to synchronize actions of culturally and historically differing public associations.

Modern society is a result of thousand-year cultural and historical, social and economic processes [4, р. 151–155]. One of the actual problems of research of a phenomenon of civil society is studying of its transformations in the conditions of globalization of public system. It is necessary to proceed from historicity of any social phenomenon, namely civil society. It is necessary to study different semantic values of the term “civil society” and a historical institutionalization of concept “civil society”. It is obviously that society (including civil society) constantly evolves. Methodological and conceptual tools of its analysis also change [14, р. 129–134]. It should be noted that civil society represents an integral part of modern society. In this regard it is necessary to describe the conditions and factors influencing globalization of civil society.

The most significant factor is influence of information technologies on formation of communicative practices of civil society.

Thus continuous expansion of social networks as an infrastructure component of global civil society is considered. A topical issue is identification of balance between internal self-organization of civil associations and external manipulative actions in relation to individuals and public organizations. It is necessary to allocate prospects of expansion of global civil society, establishment of opportunities of transition to authority of the non-state organizations as alternative legitimate form of the social power. For successful statement of this problem it is necessary to solve some problems, namely, to show the historical, socio-political status of civil society and its rootedness in the cultural tradition. We have to consider a role of social networks as infrastructure components of information society as these networks are not only the technological tool, but also allow developing the communicative potential of advance of idea of civil society and democracy. It is also necessary to open specifics of creation of actually global civil society. The aim of research of a phenomenon of global civil society in the conditions of a digital era consists in studying of ways of manifestation of civil activism by means of social networks.

The most important direction of studying of civil society institutes is a research of the globalized information environment and network activity as the main determinants of formation of global civil society. Realization of initiatives of creation of global civil society directly depends on advance of idea of a freedom of speech and implementation of human rights on the globalized social networks [7, р. 18–22]. Effects of Internet - communication were notable not only in the media sphere, economy, policy and education, but also in further democratization of the modern societies [6, р. 155–159].

One of the most important factors of civil structures development is expansion of hi-tech social networks. Key factors of global civil society formation are planetary transformations (globalization), social networks in the information space and gender shift [15, р. 172–176]. Wired social networks become the most powerful framework resource of social and political action.




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