Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- The concept of law-interpret activity as a way overcome its key problems


The concept of law-interpret activity as a way overcome its key problems

E. M. Terekhov, Сandidate of  Legal Sciences assistant professor,

Balakovo branch

of the Saratov State Academy of Law,

Balakovo, Russia


In the context of globalization following the complexity of the socio-economic and political life is complicated and the legal society. A special place in the life of the legal practice law, which in its most general form is divided into legislative, law-interpret and law enforcement, and law-interpret its kind in the domestic legal science studied less than others. However, we can say with certainty that it is impossible without high-quality and effective enforcement.

Permanent additions and changes in the Russian legislation, as well as the growing number of adopted normative legal acts sometimes lead to semantic ambiguity of certain provisions of the law, that raises the question of interpretation of the law, all the more acute and often makes use of the potential law-interpret activity in the regulation of social relations.

Unfortunately, law-interpret activity is not devoid of problems, the most ambitious of which are: nonsystematization interpretive acts; no doctrinal document enshrining shared the realization law-interpret activities and reflects its main trends; publication of controversial interpretation of acts; no legally binding mechanism to monitor the right interpretation of acts; ambiguity interpretative practices. All of this has an impact on law-interpret activities, reducing its quality, which ultimately holds law-interpret rise to errors in the work. In this situation, it is required to optimize that allows to solve the contradictions and to propose ways to improve it.

In order to organize law-interpret policy and successfully overcome emerging challenges it is becoming increasingly popular special doctrinal document – the development of a draft concept law-interpret activity in modern Russia. It should contain a system of theoretical views on the concept and its principles, objectives and priorities at the current stage of legal development, as well as a set of measures that define ways of its realization in practice.

In general, the main motive of the development and adoption of such a concept stands in need of constant improvement law-interpret activities, and ultimately - to improve the efficiency of the process of legal regulation. Some of the baseline for the project of the Concept of development law-interpret activities Russia can become the Russian Legal Policy Concept of the project [3] and draft concept of law-making policy in the Russian Federation [2]. It is also possible inclusion in the draft of the positive experience of other countries, for example, the Republic of Kazakhstan [1]. In particular, in 2009 in the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted Concept of Legal Policy until 2020, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev. The fact that the Concept of Legal Policy approved the head of state – a landmark event. It is a kind of «translation» conceptual knowledge accumulated on the legal policy of doctrinal documents in the official document containing specific guidelines for the practice of law, including interpretive, for the legal development of the society. Just going out on a conceptual level, the modern theory of legal policy can actively help the interpretive practice of law.

Development Concept Project law-interpret activity reveals not only theoretical but also practical aspects of its implementation: it should not only be a kind of «beacon» for all subjects law-interpret activities, but also the basis for the scientific and official interpretation of legal norms. Indicated doctrinal document should contain a set of measures aimed at reducing the key issues in the field of law-interpret activities. To those proposals should include: monitoring interpretation of acts on an ongoing basis; development of an Internet resource, which contains a set of interpretive acts throughout the Russian legislation; develop special training courses on the analysis of law-interpret activities.

Interpretation monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the entities law-interpret activities, and contributes to the unity of interpretive practices in the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In creating the site, containing the state should be interested to reports the true meaning of the law of final recipients. It seems that it should operate free of charge. Moreover, its existence will fit perfectly into the framework of a modern network (information) society, which is based on computer technology.

Thus, it becomes increasingly clear that the solution most ambitious challenges law-interpret activity can only be achieved after its launch on a conceptual level.


1.About the Republic of Kazakhstan Concept of Legal Policy for the period from 2010 to 2020: a decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 24, 2009 № 858 // www.online.zakon.kz (reference date of 12.02.2017).

2.Draft Concept of Legal Policy in the Russian Federation till 2020 / Ed. A.V. Malko. Saratov, 2010.

3.Malko A.V., Mazurenko A.P. The concept of the law-making policy in the Russian Federation. M., 2011.

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