Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Information technologies – an effective means of improving quality of education


Information technologies – an effective means of improving quality of education

A. V. Murylev

A. I. Bukharinova Teachers,

Lyceum № 10, Perm, Russia


Information technologies today are one of the important factors affecting the development of our society. Information technologies existed at different stages of social development but in the modern world their peculiarity lies in the fact that they take a leading position among all other new technologies [1].

Widespread use of didactic materials submitted via information technologies with the help of effective technical tools, is a key indicator in the use of modern pedagogical technologies. The main focus in modern educational programs is put on the use of information management tools of the educational process [2].

In pedagogical practice, we identified two levels of application of information tools:

1. Creating didactic materials which give the greatest effect when using media in the teaching process (computer, electronic communication, radio, television).

2. Testing methodological appropriateness of presenting didactic materials with the help of technical means in practical activities of a teacher.

Information technologies extend human capabilities in developing knowledge potential, managing technical and social processes, they are means of organization, accumulation, storage, processing and transmitting information. In short, information technologies accompany all stages men’s creative activity. Processes organized through technological purposes, become effective, due to the possibility of exchanging information and its coordination with a computer. Of course, this requires a detailed study of appropriate technologies and analyzing information provision of consistent process control, "the chain" (this means to seize the control technology).

At present technical advances of information technologies are observed in the three aspects:

1. The creation of funds, cumulative environment (base) for reading information (magnetic tapes, films, magnetic disks, etc.).

2. The development of means of communication, providing unlimited bringing of information from any corner of the globe, the distribution of information among the population through radio, television, telephony, network communications, etc.).

3. The development of automated systems of selection, classification, attributing and formation of necessary information using a computer.

Teachers often ask: "Do I have to use a computer? Are such tools as chalk and board, which stood the test of time, not enough?"

In terms of student-centered learning the main focus is on developing students ' skills to acquire knowledge themselves, in order to "fit" into the strategy of continuous education. Therefore, the effectiveness of educational process can be achieved primarily through the use of multimedia, computers, electronic whiteboards, video projectors, other communication tools and technologies. Components of the effectiveness of the named means are the following:

- students get more information in a shorter period of time;

- the students are presented new sources of information through visual aids;

- various forms of communication are used, which contributes to activating perception and increasing interest in the educational material;

- providing accuracy and objectivity of information;

- students’ personal development takes place;

- students’ creativity and cognitive activity increase as a result their interest in learning new knowledge;

- the teacher has a chance to prove the meaning of unfamiliar terms and concepts while explaining new material;

- students develop an ability to learn how to apply the new knowledge.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that through the implementation of information technologies in the educational process taking into account the specifics of the content of the subject, objectives of schooling, age and individual characteristics of students and their interests, significant results can be achieved in the educational process.


1. Бабанский Ю.К. Школа в условиях информационного взрыва // Перспективы. – 1981. – №2. – С. 5–21.

2. Murylev A.V., Ikova Y.V. Project activities as a means of integrating biology and English at school // Problems of modern education : materials of the VII international scientific conference on September 10–11, 2016. – Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2016. – P. 39–40.

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