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The decrease of morality of the 21st century youth: how to save future generations

E. A. Brashovan

Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of higher nursing education

Krasnodar, Russia


The 21st century is the time of highly developed techniques, machines, but on the other hand it is the time of absolute degradation of moral ethics and moral upbringing. The relevance of the subject is indisputably urgent, because year after year we see the examples of loss of morality and moral behaviours, and what is more frightening they consider that immorality a good one.

Being a teacher for more than 15 year I firmly believe that having a lot of components the process of education must include moral upbringing as one of the main one, especially when we speak about the upbringing future medical staff (nurses, obstetricians, doctor assistants). It’s getting more and more difficult to explain to the young generation what normality is. In the world where there are absolutely no restrictions the growing up teenagers and young ones are being brought in the “everything-allowed” society. Whom do teens and youth have as examples: Bloggers, vbloggers, hypers ?!

Though we live in such an “upgraded” times, but we have people whose contribution to the process of education had done a lot. 4 great teachers of all  times : John Dewey, Maria Montessori, George Kerschensteiner and Anton Makarenko – people who truly believed to be the best in their educational qualities.  Among all them  one of the best principles of education and upbringing had been done by the outstanding Russian teacher A. Makarenko who  regarded work as basic to intellectual and moral development: all children should be assigned tasks requiring labour and should be given positions of responsibility in order to learn the limitations of their individual rights and privileges” [1]. He composed 5 basic principles of upbringing that are still relevant and can be and must be used in the modern upbringing process. Let’s view them

The central part of his system is the community in which growing persons are developing, having their relations, conflicts and interaction of these relations and interests, creation of new aims and their achievement should contribute to the development of the strong personality. In our times it is essential, because people are losing ties with the community spending time with their internet pages and online games absolutely having forgotten that they are real first of all.

Self-government. “Every teen must be included into the system of the real responsibility both as a commander and as an assistant. Teens should feel their responsibility and be respected” – according to him. Nowadays growing ups have a lot of possibilities , but they don’t want to feel any responsibility. An easy way, isn’t it? In our educational process we should make them take some decisions and fulfill them.

Labor education , according to A. Makarenko, must be organized with some certain purpose that must be fulfilled.

“You can be demanding and strict, but if you are occupied with work that brings success and knowledge , you pupils will be by your side . And , on the contrary, if you are sweet, calm, loving, but you are a constant loser , negative and unsuccessful, you will gain nothing but disdain” [2].

We, by our examples, must show the best to our students and pupils . It’s up to us to make them strong, successful, to make them believe in themselves to become real people.

And one of the basic principles and one of the most important nowadays is discipline. We must upbring in them such good moral habits that will help them to choose the right way in behavior, in solving life problems, not because they just think about it, but because there is no other, no bad,  way to do this or that.

It is undoubtedly that “new is a well – forgotten past”. Now it is time to bring that past back into the process of upbringing and education, to give it a new breathing if we want to save and improve our future.


  1. Anton Makarenko-SOVIET EDUCATOR\\ retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Anton-Semyonovich-Makarenko
  2. Система А.С. Макаренко: 5 принципов воспитания сильной личности // A.S. Makarenko’s system: 5 principles of the upbringing of the strong personality //retrived from https://letidor.ru/psihologiya/a34-sistema-a-s-makarenko-5-principov-vospitaniya-silnoy-lichnosti-6459-page2.shtml
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