Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Information-librarian resources in the hotel and restaurant business: structural-functional approach

Научный мультидисциплинарный журнал
Paradigmata poznání. - 2017. - № 4

Information-librarian resources in the hotel and restaurant business: structural-functional approach

O. Humen, postgraduate student,

ORCID 0000-0001-5460-5345,

е-mail: annashemaeva@ukr.net,

Kiev National University of Culture and Art,

Kiev, Ukraine


Problem statement the hotel and restaurant business plays an important role in the country’s economic and social life. Its prosperity considerably depends on the level of information support, transmission rate, scientific, social, reference, industrial, marketing and other information exchange, its actuality and well-timed receiving. Information-librarian resources became here more significant. Such resources demonstrate scientific and practical achievements in the hotel and restaurant business and assist professional communication. That’s why their examination, from the structural-functional approach, is actual nowadays.

Recent research shows an increasing interest in different aspects of the hotel and restaurant business. Authors agree that modern problems of this sector are connected with information exchange and up-to-date information technologies application. Thus, A. H. Chernomazjuk pays attention to the innovative information technologies provided for the hotel and restaurant business [9]. Another researcher, P. U. Kurmaiev, studying today’s hotel and restaurant industry of Ukraine, concludes that modern marketing, information and other technologies should be introduced in this sector [4]. Branch information resources of the tourism business is are described by B. H. Pimenov [8], with special attention to professional periodicals, especially dealing with the hotel and restaurant business. But, the ground and complex analysis of information-librarian resources in this area hasn’t been done yet.

The purpose of the article is to describe the structure and functions of the information-librarian resources in the hotel and restaurant business.

Presentation of the main research material. The issue, dealing with information-librarian resources in the hotel and restaurant business is to define their structure and functions, basic elements links. The structure of the system is a relatively permanent connection between the object and its elements, providing the integrity of specific complex system. Here each structural component plays a peculiar functions and the system’s structure is determined by its functions. O. V. Pastushenko notes that the structuring is a means to understand any object complicity or various processes of the system (form macro- to micro-). The essence of the process or notion as a system is displaed in their structure, but realized in their functions (roles, purposes). It gives the possibility to examine the system as a structural-functional integrity, where each element (subsystem, component) has a specific functional designation, coordinated with the general purposes of the system as a whole [7, p. 108–109].

Thus, main groups (components) of the information resources system in the hotel and restaurant business can be distinguished. The first group contains the information resources for the economic-practical use. These are papers, describing the branch activities, providing the internal and external flow of the documentation (economic agreements, documents dealing with commercial logistics, leasing, goods, tendering, primarily accounting, planed-reporting documentation etc.). They perform informative, communicative, social, cumulative, administrative, accounting functions. The second group of the information resources concern to the libraries, which become more important to the hotel and restaurant business information support, scientific studies, professional training, professional communication organisation. The information-librarian resources are an important communicative means, a communicative space element.

The study of the structure and functions information-librarian resources for the hotel and restaurant business needs to be further developed, especially paying attention to its structural elements.

Information-librarian resources are based on printed and electronic documents regulating the hotel and restaurant business. Firstly, it’s laws and regulations documents. They are classified according to the source, date of creation, means of exchange and dissemination, purpose, content, volume, accessibility, status, usage, comprehension level, presentation form, structural elements of the legal notion [6]. Nowadays all hotel and restaurant business activities need to be further developed, with special attention to the concepts reorganization and legislation harmonization, its adaptation to the branch needs and international law. No doubt that laws and regulations documents are the main legal regulator of social-communicative cooperation on the sectoral, interdisciplinary and global levels, based on authentic information and knowledge.

The functioning and administrative level of the hotel and restaurant business depends greatly on the character and purpose of legal information. The functioning means of the hotel and restaurant business are defined by the Laws of Ukraine “On enterprise”, “On entrepreneurial activities”, “On limiting monopoly and preventing unfair competition in entrepreneurial activities”, “On consumer rights protection”, “On tourism”. Also the Law of Ukraine “On Advertising”, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Typical rules for the placement of outdoor advertising” and others are important for the hotel and restaurant business.

Libraries provide access to the national electronic information resources, containing laws and other normative-guiding documents. That’s why they can be referred to the information librarian resources. These are such data bases as “Legislation”, “LIHA”, “Law”, “Code”, “HAU”, “Uryst-Plus” etc.

Standards and certificates play an important role in the hotel and restaurant business organization. Specific attention must be paid to the following: DSTU 2296-93 “National Sign of Conformity. Form, dimensions, specifications and rules of application”, DSTU 3957-2000 “Certification system of UkrSEPRO.Order of the production inspection during the products certification”, DSTU 4268-2003 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements”, DSTU 4269-2003 “Tourist services. Hotels classification”, DSTU 4527-2006“Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. Terms and Definitions”, “Rules for the hotels use and similar facilities for accommodation and hotel services provision”.

It’s important to mention that the definition of innovation in a specific area and the development strategies are based on the information-librarian resources system of the scientific, educational and reference character: journals, monographs, dissertations, text- and coursebooks, handbooks and encyclopaedias. Such resources contain various information. Any information can be characterized according its objectivity, reliability, value, completeness, relevance, comprehensiveness and utility [6; 11]. All the components are inter development. Information can be divided into pragmatic and attributive, which are deeply interconnected. The first approach deals with information characteristics reflecting its utility level for different users (novelty, completeness, relevance). The second approach deals with the internal information peculiarities (cumulativeness, advancing, interdisciplinary character, completeness, objectivity, reliability, accessibility).

Information-librarian resources give experts the opportunity to gain knowledge from the theory and practice of the hotel organization and management, information about modern technologies and standards of the hotel service. The library as a social-communicational institute of modern civilization plays a prominent role in the forming and preserving of the intellectual society potential. It provides the document accessibility in printed and electronic versions, preserving knowledge. Thanks to its characteristic features, library becomes an integral part of science, education and industry. Some of its information resources reflect the state and level of the hotel and restaurant business and are the intellectual component of the field. This information-librarian resources peculiarity is mentioned by V. M. Horovyi, K. V. Lobuzina, H. V. Shemaieva [1, 5, 11]. They note that the information-librarian resources are a specific intellectual object. In particular, K. V. Lobuzina presented a model of librarian and information-computer technologies integration, providing the intellectual access to the information-librarian resources [5]. Researcher characterizes these resources as intellectual ones, and V. M. Horovyi treats them as an open information base of the post-industrial society [1].

National and foreign periodicals play a considerable role among the scientific-educational information resources (manuals, textbooks, course-books, monographs and dissertations) of the hotel and restaurant business. They are subdivided into two groups, industrial-practical and scientific periodicals. Periodicals form and support the stable system of the professional information circulation, provide links with the society, stimulate dissemination of professional knowledge and experience, promote information exchange processes in the professional sphere. The academic periodicals containing the research results on the hotel and restaurant business, take a considerable place in the Ukrainian scientific periodicals. The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine provides access to the scientific journals dealing with the hotel and restaurant business, on the separate portal “Scientific periodicals of Ukraine”. Educative, scientific and advertising materials can be found on the tourist library official site (http://tourlib.net) and on the hotel and restaurant business and tourist industry portal (http://hotel-restoran.ucos.com).

Industrial-practical periodicals present an integral part of the professional communication. They contain up-to-date and necessary information, dealing with products, services and technologies. According to H. E. Shipota, “professional communication is the information correlation between experts of the same field in order to exchange knowledge, technologies and methods of productive professional communication” [12, p. 101]. Thus, the practical experience exchange, innovative technologies implementation of the products and services are very important for the hotel and restaurant business development. Such information can be found in information reference book, booklets, catalogues, periodicals highlighting the industrial peculiarities of the field and business administrating conditions. For instance, electronic professional periodicals “Akademiya hostepriimstva” and “Hostinichno-restorannyi biznes” provide statistic information, organization-methodological and practical recommendations. An inquiry into the tourist experts information needs made by B. H. Pimenov showed that 74 % of the respondents used the periodical “Hostinichno-restorannyi biznes” [8, p. 325].

Foreign publications, especially the scientific and scientific-practical periodicals become more popular, because of the fact that national hotel and restaurant business tries to respond to the world’s tendencies. The following scientific-practical periodicals can be useful for experts and managers of the hotel and restaurant business: “Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administrative Quarterly”, “International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management”, “EIU Travel & Tourism Analyst”, “Tourism & Hospitality Research”, “Pyat zvezd”, “Otel”, “Parad oteley”, “Standart 5 zvezd”.

Reference-bibliographic materials, an important part of information-librarian resources, can be useful for researchers. Bibliographic resources represent specific documented knowledge, especially knowledge on documents collected, analyzed, synthesized and prepared to transfer to the suppliers in the form of fixed bibliographic material. H. M. Shvetsova-Vodka mentioned the most popular definition of “bibliographic resources”: a bibliographic manuals collection, which is the result of bibliographic systematization and the means of bibliographic services [10, p. 6]. Recently the librarian activities are intensified in the hotel and restaurant business, especially in the process of preparation and arrangement of bibliographic manuals in the electronic space. For example, the Poltava University of Economics and Trade created bibliographic index “Hotel and restaurant business in the conditions of economy transformation”, subdivided into three chapters: “Tourism: theoretical and practical aspects”, “Hotel and restaurant business as a basic element of the tourist industry”, “Internet resources of the tourist, hotel and restaurant activities” [3]. Bibliographic descriptions of educative-methodological, scientific-educative and industrial-practical documents are presented in alphabetic order in each chapter.

The annotated bibliographic index “Hotel and restaurant business” created by the Lviv State University of Physical Culture, also attracted attention [2]. It contains printed editions (books, monographs, scientific articles, dissertation abstracts, etc.), kept in the library collections of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture. All the documents dealing with the hotel and restaurant business are presented in alphabetic order. This index differs from others with abstracts, translated into three languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English). All texts are presented in the original versions. The bibliographic products in the electronic space promotes knowledge and the application of modern technologies and innovations in the hotel and restaurant business. Thus, the structural development of information-librarian resources in this sector creates means for improving organizational and administrative levels.

Information resources for the hotel and restaurant business are presented by libraries on their web-sites and at virtual exhibitions. The virtual literary exhibition “Hotel and restaurant business as a basic element of tourist industry” can be found on the site of the Rivne Regional Universal Scientific Library.

In general, information-librarian electronic resources in the hotel and restaurant business have all the characteristic features inherent to other electronic resources. They are national and international resources with their various forms: electronic journal, books, databases, portals. H. V. Shemaieva has shown that they also form a complex of correlated electronic communication means of forms and channels; with structural (types, information presenting formats, location, links integrity restriction access, administration) and semantic features (content, genesis context, resources system classification etc.) [11]. Information-librarian resources provide constant and flexible ideas and information exchange; help take quick and justified decisions; stimulate cooperation; promote innovations in the hotel and restaurant business.

Conclusion. Thus, information-librarian resources of the hotel and restaurant business belong to the scientific-educative space; they form a complex organizational system, separate parameters of which correlate with the environment, influence the field’s state and development process; they are a permanently developing dynamic system.


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