Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Study of students’ subjective assessment of pedagogical diagnostics system throughout university adaptation process

Научный мультидисциплинарный журнал
Paradigmata poznání. - 2020. - № 4

Study of students’ subjective assessment of pedagogical diagnostics system throughout university adaptation process

L. V. Snegireva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, assistant professor,

ORCID 0000-0002-8935-0511,

e-mail: sneglv1@gmail.com,

Kursk State Medical University,

Kursk, Russia


Modern educational process is organized with regard of students’ individual characteristics [3], educational adaptive influence [5], effectiveness of different teaching methods [2] and knowledge control various forms expediency [4]. In this regard, aspects of knowledge control efficiency at different adaptation process stages are considered to be actual. That is why the purpose of the study is to analyze students’ subjective assessment of pedagogical diagnostics system throughout university adaptation process.

The following research tasks were formulated: to grade students’ situational anxiety levels in knowledge control procedure throughout university adaptation process; to analyze students’ academic activity throughout university adaptation process.

Materials and methods. 53 medical university students were examined: 29 first-year students during the first 3 months of studies and 14 sophomores in 1,5 years of studies. Examinees study clinical psychology in Kursk State Medical University.

The anxiety level was evaluated by Spilberg-Hanin’s scale. Situational (or reactive) anxiety was determined as actual respond to a stress and discomfort. It’s considered as an indicator of stress intensity. Personal anxiety was considered as constitutional trait (feature), examinee’s tendency to be stressed from a wide range of situations. To interpret the results, the following scale was used [1]: up to 30 points – low anxiety level; from 31 to 44 points – moderate anxiety level; from 45 points and more – high anxiety level.

Statistical analysis was performed with descriptive statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes features of a collection of information.

Students’ academic activity was analyzed with the use of e-register.

According to research results, 59 % of first-year students experience emotional stress in knowledge assessment procedure during adaptation period. High anxiety level of examinees in knowledge control is caused by significant contribution of pedagogical diagnostics system to students’ educational status and authority. Also university knowledge assessment influences students’ image. High academic activity students are more likely to be stressed in knowledge control procedure at the adaptation stage. Such students are motivated to study and mastering their future profession. They make significant efforts to get professional practical skills, therefore pedagogical diagnostics result are extremely important for them, namely in strengthening of leading positions in academic group. Low academic activity students don’t consider all these factors to be important enough. In this regard, only a third of poor academic results examinees of first-year gets high anxiety level in knowledge control procedure at the adaptation stage.

At the end of adaptation period, students’ emotional reaction to pedagogical diagnostics system weakens significantly. Less than half of sophomore (43 %) experience extra anxiety in knowledge control procedure. To students’ opinion, understanding knowledge control algorithm, objectiveness of pedagogical diagnostics methods, well-disposed educational atmosphere are reducing examinees’ anxiety level. At the same time low academic activity sophomores become more and more stressed in knowledge assessment procedure. 67 % of second year low academic activity examinees get high anxiety level in pedagogical diagnostics process (in comparison with 35% poor academic results first-year students). The adaptive impact of university educational environment is not decisive anymore in high anxiety level development. Poor skills of self-organization, insufficient educational base, lack of confidence in acquired knowledge cause emotional discomfort for low academic activity sophomores. Self-confidence deficiency is confirmed by academic results, and entails decrease in students' self-appraisal. Low academic activity examinees consider university pedagogical diagnostics system and its results as objective ones. On the contrary, high academic activity students feel more and more confident in knowledge control system at the end of adaptation period. 65 % of high academic results sophomores do not consider pedagogical diagnostics procedure as a stressful situation. Objectiveness of knowledge assessment procedure, great educational potential allows high academic activity examinees to skip excessive emotional stress.

Thus, adaptation process causes students' emotional discomfort in pedagogical diagnostics procedure. Low academic activity examinees with low motivation are more confident in pedagogical diagnostics system. After adaptation period students' anxiety level decreases significantly. Low academic activity students get more emotional discomfort in knowledge control system, because of self-organization skills lack and inadequacy of school knowledge base. It is suggested to take into account the obtained data to organize university educational process.


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