Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Features of the use of ICT in improving the effectiveness of biological lessons


Features of the use of ICT in improving the effectiveness of biological lessons

M. T. Alikhodzhaeva teacher,

school № 45, Parkent district,

Tashkent region, Uzbekistan


Today, in the age of new information technologies, the degree of influence of the surrounding world on the younger generation has expanded considerably. The practice of biology teachers now, along with the traditional methodology, includes methods of active learning: role-playing, business, organizational and educational games, the method of supporting legends, interactive, modular learning technology and many others. “Today, the concept of educational technology can be widely considered as a field of pedagogical science and as a specific educational technology” [1]. Computer technologies open up new opportunities and allow creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest in biology for schoolchildren. Indeed, in the theory of the phased formation of mental actions of P. Ya. Galperin's cognitive interest is: as the goal of upbringing, as a means of forming a personality, as a condition for the effectiveness of the educational process, as a significant element of the personality structure, as a motive for learning. A great contribution to the theory and practice of educational technologies was made by such scientists as Talyzina N. F., Bespalko V. P. [2]

We should not forget about the expediency of using information technologies to achieve the following pedagogical goals: the development of the personality of the student; preparation for independent productive activity in the conditions of the information society.

In our school, we use new information technologies: multimedia education, educational portals, web conferencing materials, conducting multimedia lessons, using animation models in education, and in high school biology classes we use the method of an educational project to discover the creative potential of students and their individuality.

A project is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently executed by the students, culminating in the creation of a creative product.

Students in the work on projects:

·      Determine the actual problem on which they either individually or in a group work, identify problems in various fields of knowledge;

·      Set tasks, draw up a work plan, thereby looking for ways to solve the problem, determine the object of study;

·      Put forward hypotheses, experiment with natural objects, systematize and summarize the data obtained, make analysis of information obtained from various sources;

·      Summing up, and the teacher at this stage should help the children develop the ability to argue the conclusions, process the experimental data, process the results and, of course, work together, cooperating;

·      Preparing the protection of the project, using computer, multimedia equipment, building a logical system of evidence;

·      Presentation of the project, the purpose of which is to present the result of its activities, to bring the problem to the public, ways to solve it, and this will allow students to develop skills in communication art and culture, and for this the teacher himself “must be a skilled teacher, his teaching skills are great .

The technology of project training takes into account the age and individual characteristics of children, stimulates independence, the need for self-realization.

The presence in the biology classroom of an interactive whiteboard CLASUS provides the opportunity to combine computer and traditional methods of organizing educational activities, using various methods of individual and teamwork with students, they begin to understand more complex material as a result of a clearer, more efficient and dynamic presentation of the material, becoming self-confident. Using the computer program Microsoft PowerPoint, a cycle of multimedia biology lessons for grades 6–11 has been developed. PowerPoint can be used not only for the presentation of vivid illustrations to the lesson, but also for creating instructive (when performing laboratory work) task cards for testing knowledge (introducing charts, tables, figures). Such cards help children to focus on the implementation of tasks with a large volume, and the time in the lesson is used most efficiently.

The use of ICT in pedagogical activity helps to make the educational process relevant to the advanced requirements of pedagogical science, to combine all the best of the old Soviet system of classical pedagogy with innovations, which, in the end, will benefit the student. The use of information technologies allows us to move on to the issue of teaching biology from a qualitatively new perspective.

All this will contribute to the successful use of ICT in biology education. The task of the modern teacher is not only to have an idea about new learning technologies, but also to master them and apply them in their practice.

It is very important not to stop on the spot, set new goals and strive to achieve them – this is the main mechanism for the development of the personality of both the student and the teacher.


1. Guzeev V. V. Educational technology: from admission to philosophy / M. September 1996. p. 8.

2. Pakhomova N.Yu. Textbook projects: its capabilities. // Teacher, № 4. – p. 255.

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