Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Pedagogical potential of social relations: forms and methods of solution of problems of socialization of individual

VI международная научно-практическая конференция
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Pedagogical potential of social relations: forms and methods of solution of problems of socialization of individual

V. N. Goncharov, Doctor of Philosophy, assistant professor,

North Caucasus Federal University,

Stavropol, Russia


It is possible to use potential of any element of society for the solution of problems of socialization of individual or group [1, p. 83–86]. For development of social relations of individual a problem of its socialization and consequently, pedagogical potential is very important, as significant for any kind of social relations can become effective means of its decision [2, p. 142–145]. Framework of the socially important relations which is shown in their requirements and duties to each of the participants (who are a subject or an object of relations), execution conditions of problems of the social relations (as a rule, it is shown in the joint activity demanding from participants an accounting of social factors, first of all interaction), requirements to results of joint actions and a role of everyone in this result - all this creates a special social background of realization of their own resources and opportunities, their manifestations among other participants of social relations [16, p. 241]. So, the conditions created by specifics of the socially important relations influence each individual, force him to make his own decisions on setting objectives, rate of activity of his actions while their realization [11, p. 396–402].

Realization of pedagogical potential of social relations in solution of problems of socialization of the personality as the operated process of professional activity of the expert can be carried out by means of certain forms and methods [12, p. 282–284].

The main forms of realization of pedagogical potential of the social relations are: inclusion of children and adults into social activity, in socially important tasks, actions; interaction with various social institutions, certain experts, scientists, practicians; use of mentoring on transfer of social experience, social requirements to children and adults; social training in improvement of social abilities of children and adults [3, p. 80–85].

For inclusion of individual into the socially important relations various methods are used. In the modern context the most recommended are: assignment, request, order, advice, recommendation, motivation, coercion, informing, imitation, suggestion, identification, comparison. Each of these methods reaches efficiency of process of realization of pedagogical potential of social relations under the corresponding conditions which affect development of concrete personal quality [4, p. 118–124].

The main criteria for evaluation of efficiency of process of realization of pedagogical potential of social relations in activity are: adequacy of assessment of the level of development of pedagogical potential of social relations and its components; completeness of information on resources and opportunities of social relations significant for a client provided by an expert; reality of the choice of option of pedagogical resources, opportunities and ways of their development; success, realness of use of the chosen resources; high-quality changes of the individual; satisfaction of a client of positive changes in his problem; readiness of a client for an independent solution of the problem of pedagogical resources and opportunities; readiness of a client to help others [13, p. 73–78].

Realization of pedagogical potential of social relations can be enabled in various ways and methods. Social and pedagogical approach, which use of methods allows achieving considerable success in professional activity, integrates more and more into activity of experts [8, p. 37–40].

Methods of realization of pedagogical potential of social relations are: methods of solution of problems of the individual, groups (a method of council; diagnostics method; consultation method; method of inclusion in social relations); methods of realization of potential of social relations (a method of realization of potential of social relations; a method of partnership (partnership relations); method of confidential interaction; mutual assistance method; a method of the pulling together communication) [15, p. 82–89].

Pedagogical potential of social relations can be attributed to a concrete type of social relations (interpersonal, intergroup, productive, economic, parental) or to a form of manifestation of social relations (friendship, love, family, cooperation, association), each of which have pedagogical potential [14, p. 39–44]. Measure of pedagogical impact on the person can be defined by the level or force of pedagogical influence on his consciousness, behavior and activity of particular form of social relations. Let’s say, friendship between a man and a woman as a form of social relations in one instance can make stronger bringing-up impact on the person, than, for example, productive cooperation, and in another, on the contrary, pedagogical influence of cooperation will prevail in decision-making of each of them. Consequently, pedagogical potential of social relations has as many differences as available types of social relations and forms of their manifestation.

Pedagogical potential in content is quite difficult social pedagogical structure reflecting not only essence of social relations, but also types of social activity in which they are shown. At the same time pedagogical potential, as well as any social phenomenon, has a certain number of basic elements making its structure and distinguishing it from others [10, p. 17–20].

Basic elements of pedagogical potential of the social relations are: pedagogical opportunities of social statuses; pedagogical opportunities of social rights of individual; pedagogical opportunities of duties; pedagogical resources of social roles; pedagogical opportunities of social norms [7, p. 123–128].

As well as any social phenomenon in common use social relations are shown in the form of certain signs.

The main signs of manifestation of pedagogical potential of the social relations are: revealing pedagogical opportunities of social contacts with other people; satisfaction with results of social relations in the form of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities; an opportunity to develop their own social requirements; an opportunity to develop their own social abilities; an opportunity to get interesting acquaintances, reliable friends; an opportunity to have access to new pedagogical resources, opportunities significant for individual; tendency to adopt experience, certain skills of subjects and objects of social relations; an opportunity to get new social values; an opportunity to learn new ways, methods of solution of problems of individual; competence of subjects of social relations and ability of training of the person; a possibility of self-realization in social relations [9, p. 29–31].

Social relations can develop in two directions: towards community and towards disagreements. It is characteristic of all types of social communities (parties, classes, nations, states, branches of power, movement, enterprise, firms) and individuals [5, p. 139–144].

This integrative structure of social relations also defines description of its pedagogical potential. All these components and a system of their ratio are exposed to continuous changes. There are a lot of reasons: change of certain legal norms, cultural, economic and public realities, changes in structure of experience [6, p. 18–22]. Existence of these changes dictates need of continuous professional education for development of pedagogical potential.


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