Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Еthical aspects of motivation in the system of forming the professional culture of future economists

VII международная научно-практическая конференция
Развитие творческого потенциала личности и общества

Еthical aspects of motivation in the system of forming the professional culture of future economists

N. S. Kushnir Teacher,

Kropyvnyitskyi Construction College,

Kropyvnyitskyi, Ukraine


Motivation in the system of formation of professional culture of future specialists of economic specialties reflects a set of their motives and values, that allow them to carry out their professional activity; motivation of students to work in the economic field; interest in the chosen profession, ensures the establishment of their direct contact with the society, knowledge of communication with participants in economic processes, understanding of managerial problems and forecasting the consequences of the decisions taken.

As an element of the component of professional culture of future specialists in economic specialties, the system of motivation for a future professional influences not only his behavioral characteristics, but also the quality of the dynamic personality characteristics, defining the general orientation of the future specialist, the aspirations of the individual in life and in the profession.

Formation of the personality of the future specialist takes place throughout his life, but it is in the high school that his basic professional qualities are laid, which are dynamically improved during his professional activity.

Modern requirements for a specialist personality require initiative and responsibility, competence, creative thinking and innovative solutions, as well as dynamic updating of their knowledge and skills.
In the course of studying a student of a higher education institution a structure of motives is formed that becomes the foundation of the personality of the future specialist in professional activity. Therefore, the development of positive learning motives – an integral part in the process of student training as a person and a professional.
The development of motives is due to the change and expansion of the scope of the economist. Expanding the range of motives of activity leads to a revision or renewal of the value system.
Motivation of educational and professional activity of future specialists of economic specialties is a system of psychological factors, which represents the unity of the future economist's motivation to study and professional activity for solving specific problems and educational and professional tasks of future professional activity in the conditions of dynamic development of the intellectual component without additional stimulation.
Motivational component in the system of formation of professional culture of future specialists in economic specialties is an individual model of economic thinking and managerial behavior that fills with the content of the system of motivation of realization in professional activity. This component is the basis for the formation of a sufficient and high level of professional culture, since the extent to which a future economist is motivated depends on the content and nature of professional and managerial activities, an understanding of the importance of professional culture in professional activities, and the desire for professional self-realization.
In future specialists of economic specialties, in our opinion, should be developed the following motives: professional, utilitarian, cognitive motives, motives for achievement, self-development.
Professional motives of future specialists in economic specialties are characterized by motives: to professional achievement (teaching is important for development and formation in the future profession); professional-cognitive motives (the desire to become a qualified specialist); interest in the profession and understanding of its social significance (the desire to succeed in professional activity, awareness of the public good, the desire to be needed by the state and people, having the necessary knowledge, etc.).
From the psychological and pedagogical position of personal development is a process of forming personal features of professionalism, developing their abilities, obtaining professional knowledge and skills.
From the point of view of training future specialists in economic specialties, in the process of forming their professional culture, motives for self-development and self-realization are enhancement of social status and realization of personal potential through self-development and self-improvement.
After all, for the successful professional implementation of a future economist, he needs to possess a system of moral and spiritual values, that are purposeful, conscious, dynamic and livelier process of forming oneself as a person, and it determines its qualitative and systemic development, which as a result is the content of self-development and self-improvement.

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