Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Development of professional speech through writing an essay in the English language

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Development of professional speech through writing an essay in the English language

N. V. Klepikovskaya, Candidate of Philological Sciences,

I. S. Popova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,

Northern Arctic Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov,

Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia


Writing an essay is not only improving the skills of writing, but also improving the language at all its levels, including oral speech. Competent written speech is an important skill that a specialist, a professional in his field of knowledge must master [1, p. 6–7].

The essay competition "My future profession at the labor market" is annually held among the second- and third-year students studying the discipline "Foreign language in the professional sphere". The competition is attended by students studying at the Humanitarian Institute and the Institute of Shipbuilding and Marine Arctic Engineering of the NArFU branch in Severodvinsk in the following areas of training: "Informatics and Computer Engineering", "Management in Technical Systems", "Land Transport and Technological Means", "Preschool Education and Primary Education".

Students are invited to write an essay in English on the topic "My future profession at the labor market", closely related to their specialty and future profession. Usually, the essay competition is held at the end of the academic year, when students have already completed the bulk of the laboratory classes. Consequently, students already have a certain vocabulary of words and expressions in their professional field of knowledge. This stage can be considered as a preparatory stage for writing an essay, it is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also the most productive, because it is at this stage that the history of the profession is studied, the basic professional lexical units and terms are mastered, and grammatical constructions are updated.

Before writing an essay, students are invited to draw up a plan for a future essay, list the main theses, and make a list of keywords. You can also offer students a list of words and expressions that they can use in their work, for example:

I would like to be ...

I have already chosen my future profession ...

It is my aim to be a qualified specialist ...

I should have some important qualities ...

My future profession requires knowledge of ...

This job is very important ...

I think this profession is of great need and importance ...

To succeed in my work ...

In accordance with the requirements for this kind of work, the essay should contain three main parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.

The introduction should be short and informative. It should show the reader what will be discussed in the main part of the essay. In this part of the work, you can use the following phrases: the problem of…, people always say…, it is known that…, it is often suggested / believed that….

In the main part, students need to competently, consistently and logically state their thoughts on the stated topic, expressing their point of view.

It is possible to offer students questions, the answers to which should sound in the main part of the work. For example:

What is your future profession?

Where do you study?

Why have you chosen this specialty / profession?

When did you begin making plans for the future?

Did your parents, friends or anybody else help you to make the choice of profession?

What are pros and cons of this specialty?

What special skills and knowledge does your future profession need?

What special subjects do you study at the institute?

Is your specialty of great demand at the labor market?

In this case, the following phrases should be used: on the one hand…, on the other hand…, to begin with…, secondly…, as a matter of fact…, one major advantage is…, there are a number of advantages / disadvantages….

In conclusion, it is necessary to draw a conclusion, summarize all of the above, using words and phrases, for example, in conclusion, I can say that ..., to draw the conclusion, one can say that ..., we can conclude that ..., to sum up ..., in summary….

This type of work will help students as future specialists to assert themselves in the correct choice of their direction of study, possibly, it will be part of the interview when applying for a job. Modern specialists need to know a foreign language in the professional field in order to work without problems with a foreign language professionally oriented text, as well as communicate with foreign colleagues within the framework of a professional topic.


  1. Yusupova L.N. Writing an academic essay in English. Petrozavodsk, Publishing house: PetrSU, 2017.
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