Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Psychopedacogic analysis of adaptation to class collective in training process


Psychopedacogic analysis of adaptation to class collective in training process

A. Guliyev, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

G. Kazımova, PhD on Psychology,

Ganja State University,

Ganja, Azerbaijan


In early school age, especially during the first few months of training, children face some difficulties. Changing the activity type, replacing game activity with training activities, adapting to collective life are both complicated and time-consuming work.

Nowadays, there are different approaches to the concept of adaptation to collective, social environment. There are three types adaptation that spread broadly: a) adaptation to environment by changing yourself, b) adaptation of environment to yourself, c) self-isolation and moving away from environment.

Adaptation to environment by changing yourself means conformity of personality, agreement with the conditions or requirements of humans, making concessions. Here external factors can influence on the personality “SELF”. Those who hardly adapt and cant comply with rules, standards, or laws of environment, they can be called outsiders. This category includes creative personalities, talented pupils.

Through adaptation of environment to you means meeting your needs and conformity of others to it. This form of adaptation leads to the deviant behavior, solving of problems in a new, innovative form. Therefore, system of new norms and values gradually appears. This form of adaptation is characteristic for people who have prominent personalities, strong characteristics, and volitional qualities. They claim their idea and opinions, make others inspire and follow him/her. Such innovative and creative adaptation can be successful for society or large communities, but it is not for small groups or pedagogical collectives. Resistance from members can meet it.

The third type of adaptation is called self-isolation and moving away from environment. This type of adaptation occurs when none of two types can occur. Individuals are unable to recognize their own opinions, thoughts and wishes, and have difficulty accepting the demands of their surroundings. In this case, the attitude of the person that he/she likes, the values he/she wants to perform change, feeling of own uncertainty, or inadequacy of the value system of the environment appear [3, p. 75].

In early school age, pupils talk about their subjective views, plans, and experiences in the process of communicating with each other. Unlike preschool children, this age is the period of "clean communication", not motion or objective activity. At the same time, little schoolchildren are able to take into account the wishes, aspirations and mood of the opposite side. Just like an early school age, the ability to make conscious, persistent choices shows itself. This allows the pupils to choose friends.

In the first grade, children come from different families; have different qualities, abilities and preparation. Their collectivization, understanding and perception of each other, adaptation to the collective on this ground is a pedagogical-psychological problem, and the subsequent development of personality depends on how well this training is done in this age.

Training activities in the pupil's adaptation to the collective life are of wide opportunities. In the process of the training, pupil gains some knowledge; possess skills and abilities in the field of mutual relations, joint activities.

Practice shows that in many cases teachers separate education and upbringing, with little attention to their upbringing function. However, in recent years, one of the challenges facing the training is not to provide the students’ knowledge in ready form, but through ways of thought-provoking, stimulating careful consideration or attention. It is based on logical thinking, not mechanical memory. The concept of modern education essentially evaluates this problem in new dimensions, declares it as one of the three main functions of the training, and pays special attention to the development of theoretical thinking in students [1, p. 45].

Hence, when performing the training tasks, the pupil should refer to the general solution rather than the specific situation. When the pupil develops theoretical thinking, he/she prefers a collective solution to more problems. Experience shows that pupils' discussion and polemics in the learning process increase their communication culture. In the training process, dialogue enhances polemics in the classroom, increases the dynamics, which also affects both mental development, and pupils find out their contradictions and learn to work with the collective [2, p. 89]. Nevertheless, discussion, polemics of pupils in early school age in the learning process, impact of it in development is not investigated a little. Of course, this process should not be chaotic, self-directed and should be led by the teacher. As it is known, it is impossible to speak of a fully-formed collective in class I. They just get to know and try to understand each other. Pedagogical research shows that first impression of the opposite depends on both the object and the psychological features of the subject observer. The first impression is dependent on the situation in which the communication occurs and reason of happening of verbal and non-verbal communication [4, p. 45].

Pupils in early school age, perceptions of pupils about each other are shaped according to what others have to say about them. They express their opinion on the opposite side depending on the specific situation. More and more, they demonstrate behavior that is appropriate to the attitudes of adults. Communication with people who do not know happens with the influence of external factors in little schoolchildren.

Thus, summarizing the aforementioned, it can be concluded that there is direct subordination between the personality direction, activity and behavioral attitudes and adaptation of them to collective. When the teacher takes these features into account, the collective is formed, and the quality of the training is rising.


  1. Alizade A. A. New pedagogical thinking: ideas, problems. Psychopathological research. Baku, Adiloglu,
  2. Kazimov N. M. Fundamentals of pedagogical skill: Textbook for high schools. Baku: Chashıoğlu, 2009, 296 p.
  3. Kazimova G. The role of mutual relations in the adaptation of younger schoolchildren to the collective: psix. elm. nam. ...dis. Baku, 2014, 159 p.
  4. Рубинштейн С. Л. Проблемы общей психологии. 2-е изд. М. Педагогика, 1976
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